Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 14
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“This, together with the initiatives PetroTal is
pursuing, is expected to lead to long term sta-
bility for the region at a critical time for the new
Talara refinery that is expected to start operation
in 2022, Peruvian producers, the local communi-
ties, and Petroperu. I would also like to thank our
team for their dedication and perseverance over
the past four years enabling PetroTal to achieve
our original 20,000 bpd goal. I am humbled by
the expertise and drive our team continues to
demonstrate through unprecedented operating
conditions. Additionally, I’d like to thank our
shareholders for their ongoing support, patience
and confidence as we continue development of
the prolific Bretaña oilfield.”
PetroTal, December 16 2021
Petrobras reports on
Manati field stoppage
Petrobras informs that on Friday, December
10, the production of gas from the Manati field, reached an aggregate of 523,735 boe net to Echo, for the well is $3.5m with a target depth of 3,270
located in the Camamu Basin, in the state of including 74,605 barrels of oil and condensate metres and initial production level of 40 cubic
Bahia, was halted due to the closure of the sub- and 2.695bn cubic feet (76.32mn cubic metres) metres per day. Detailed petrophysical anal-
sea valve of the export pipeline. The pipeline’s of gas. ysis of the electric logs from the newly drilled
operation was safely interrupted and teams were As a result of the completion of capacity DP-2001 well support the pre-drill oil produc-
mobilised for the repair, with an expected return increasing infrastructure works, gas production tion estimate of 40cubic metres per day.
within a week. in November 2021 averaged 7.1 mcf (201,100 In the meantime, the preparations for the
The causes of the incident are being inves- cubic metres) per day net to Echo, an increase mobilisation of the workover rig to Salta to
tigated. There is no risk of discontinuity in the over the 6.7 mcf (189,700 cubic metres) per day complete the new wells continue with expected
fulfillment by Petrobras of its commitments to net production rate during the previous month. arrival in January in order to commence opera-
its customers and Petrobras keeps the competent Net liquids production in the first two tions in that month.
bodies informed. months of Q4-2021 averaged 255 bpd, and is an Export of oil from Argentina: In the light of
Petrobras is the operator of the Manati field, increase of 31% over Q1-2021 levels prior to the continued robust international oil prices, Pres-
with a 35% stake, in partnership with Enauta commencement of production optimisation and ident expects to sell a substantial part of their
Energia (45%), GeoPark (10%) and Petro Rio the bringing of shut-in wells back on line. The January production by way of export, generating
Coral Exploração Petrolífera (10%). The average benefit of both infrastructure maintenance and higher realisation prices with an increment of
production of the field in November 2021 was the previously announced commercial focus on 20% to bottom line profitability for the relevant
3.42mn cubic metres per day, of which 1.20mn high-quality blends at Santa Cruz Sur has also month. Whilst not anticipated every month, it
cubic metres per day was Petrobras’ share. led to an increased frequency of oil sales during is hoped that the equivalent of up to a third of
Petrobras, December 13 2021 Q4-2021 to date, with total liquids sales net to President’s entire Rio Negro 2022 production
Echo in quarter four to date of 16,855 barrels can be sold in that way subject to the differential
Echo Energy provides (Q3-2021 total of: 15,050 barrels). This increase in pricing remaining constant.
in liquids production has helped to offset the
President Energy, December 9 2021
operational update on expected natural decline in gas production over
the year.
its Santa Cruz Sur assets Echo Energy, December 9 2021 SERVICES
onshore Argentina President Energy provides Oil Plus to support
Echo Energy, the Latin American focused operations update DeNovo’s green-powered
energy company, has provided an operational
update regarding its Santa Cruz Sur assets, AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com- Zandolie platform in
onshore Argentina for Q4-2021 to November pany with a diverse portfolio of energy assets has
30, 2021. provided an update on its oil and gas operations Trinidad and Tobago
Daily operations across the asset base in in Argentina.
Santa Cruz Sur and the delivery of produced Salta drilling: Drilling of the DP-2003 well at Global oilfield consultancy specialists Oil Plus
gas to industrial customers under contract have the Dos Puntitas field, Puesto Guardian Con- has been awarded a contract, to develop the
continued uninterrupted during the first two cession (President 100%) has now commenced maintenance strategy and programme for
months of Q4-2021. Production over the period with a projected drilling time of 23 working days DeNovo’s renewable energy powered Zandolie
from January 1, 2021, to November 30, 2021, (excluding logging and casing times). Budget platform, located offshore western Trinidad.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 50 16•December•2021