Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                  All the acts necessary to make this Offering,
                                                                                including with regard to the structure(s) nec-
                                                                                essary to materialise it, will be subject to the
                                                                                approval of Petrobras’ internal bodies, notably
                                                                                with regard to the price and effective percentage
                                                                                of the shares to be offered, as well as the analysis
                                                                                and approval of the respective regulatory bodies,
                                                                                under the terms of the applicable legislation.
                                                                                  This communication does not constitute
                                                                                the effective migration of Braskem to the Novo
                                                                                Mercado and should not be considered as an
       The Skandi Santos is designed to install and  of Baroda.                 announcement of a securities offering for sale in
       retrieve subsea trees and modules, including   The operation is in line with the company’s  Brazil or in any other market abroad, which will
       subsea structures and manifolds at water depths  liability management strategy, aiming at improv-  depend on favorable market conditions. This
       of up to 2,500 metres. The vessel is now complet-  ing the debt amortisation profile and reducing  material fact is for informational purposes only,
       ing its current contract with Petrobras which  costs, considering the gross debt target foreseen  pursuant to the terms of the applicable regula-
       began March 1, 2010.                in its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.     tions, and should not, under any circumstances,
         AKOFS Offshore, headquartered in Oslo,   Petrobras, December 16 2021   be considered as an investment recommenda-
       Norway, is a global provider of vessel based sub-                        tion, an offer for sale, or a solicitation or offer
       sea well intervention and installation services to                       for acquisition of securities of Petrobras or its
       the oil and gas industry. In addition to the vessel  INVESTMENT          invested company Braskem.
       Skandi Santos, it also operates the vessels Aker                           Petrobras, in accordance with applicable leg-
       Wayfarer and AKOFS Seafarer, respectively for   Petrobras on the sale of   islation and regulations, will keep its sharehold-
       Petrobras and Equinor. The Company is owned                              ers and the market in general informed about
       by Akastor AS (50%), Mitsui & Co. (25%) and   stake in Braskem           pertinent developments concerning the matters
       Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (25%).                                               informed herein. This operation is aligned with
       Akastor, December 9 2021               Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors  the portfolio management and the improvement
                                           approved the model for the sale of up to 100% of  of the company’s capital allocation, aiming at the
                                           the preferred shares it holds in Braskem, to be  maximisation of value and greater return to the
       FINANCE                             conducted through secondary public offering(s)  society.
                                           of shares (follow-on), together with Novonor   Petrobras, December 16 2021
       Petrobras contracts $5bn            S.A. - In Judicial Recovery and NSP Investimen-  Petrobras reports on the
                                           tos S.A. - In Judicial Recovery (both referred to
       revolving credit line               as Novonor), called the Offer.
                                              Petrobras also informs that signed a Term
       Petrobras informs that it signed today a revolv-  Sheet with Novonor that, in addition to formal-  sale of BM-S-8 block
       ing credit facility (RCF) in the amount of $5bn,  ising their commitment to making the Offer,  Petrobras, following up on the releases disclosed
       maturing in December 2026, with the possibility  establishes guidelines with the objective of  on November 22, 2016, and March 21, 2018,
       of being extended in up to two years.  migrating Braskem to the Novo Mercado, the  informs that it will receive from Equinor Brasil
         The agreement, signed with 16 banks, allows  highest level of corporate governance of B3 S.A.  Energia Ltda the last contingent installment in
       the company to draw on the line until the month  - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão.  the amount of $950mn related to the sale of its
       before maturity, and will be used to replace the   As a first step in this direction, Petrobras and  stake in the exploratory block BM-S-8, where the
       $4.35bn revolving credit facility contracted in  Novonor, in addition to the request already sub-  Bacalhau field (former Carcará area) is located.
       2018, which was due to mature in March 2023  mitted by Novonor, will request that Braskem   Petrobras sold its total stake (equivalent to
       and was cancelled on the current date.  conduct the studies and analyses required for  66%) in block BM-S-08 to Equinor for $2.5bn,
         The transaction creates an additional alter-  migration, which should include certain actions,  with the first installment of $1.25bn received at
       native source of funds for the company to use  including the necessary governance adaptations  the closing of the transaction on 11/22/2016, and
       according to its needs. As a result, Petrobras will  and the respective corporate approvals. With the  the second installment of $300mn received on
       be able to use its cash more efficiently, maintain-  migration there will be the negotiation and sign-  March 21, 2018.
       ing access to liquidity without incurring load  ing of a new Shareholders’ Agreement.  The receipt of the last installment was condi-
       costs.                                 Through the Term Sheet, Petrobras and  tioned to the approval of the Production Individ-
         The banks that participated in this operation  Novonor manifest their interest in selling their  ualisation Agreement (AIP) of the Bacalhau and
       were:                               respective remaining stakes (common shares)  Norte de Bacalhau fields by the National Agency
         - Joint Bookrunners : Bank of America, Bank  in Braskem after the migration to the Novo  of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
       of China, BNP Paribas, Citibank, Credit Agri-  Mercado.                  The AIP was submitted by Equinor on January
       cole, JPMorgan Chase Bank, Mizuho, MUFG,   Also as part of the commitments assumed  29, 2021, and approved today at the ANP’s exec-
       Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and The  in the Term Sheet, Petrobras and Novonor also  utive board meeting with public transmission.
       Bank of Nova Scotia;                signed an amendment to Braskem’s current  Payment of the contingent installment should
         - Mandated Lead Arrangers: HSBC, Banco  Shareholders’ Agreement, providing for a future  occur within 45 business days after approval.
       Santander;                          change in the discipline of Braskem’s preemptive  This installment will be recognised in the finan-
         - Lead Managers: Morgan Stanley;  rights in new businesses in the petrochemical  cial statements for the fourth quarter of 2021.
         - Participants: Deutsche Bank, ICBC, Bank  sector.                     Petrobras, December 9 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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