Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 50 2021
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LatAmOil                                                                                           LatAmOil

       The unmanned gas producing installation uses a  DeNovo and keeping the Zandolie asset produc-  approximately $264mn (inclusive of mobilisa-
       combination of power generated by a wind tur-  ing safely and reliably for many years to come.”  tion revenue and additional services).
       bine and a solar bank, with a battery for storing   As well as asset integrity management ser-  Seadrill’s CEO, Stuart Jackson, commented:
       any excess energy. The asset, which is tied back to  vices, Oil Plus has been providing produced  “Petrobras is a long-standing and valued cus-
       the Iguana field’s infrastructure, is also equipped  water treatment, injection and production  tomer of Seadrill, and signing a third contract
       with intelligent monitoring technology. Unless  chemistry solutions to the global oil and gas  with them this quarter is testament to our strong
       alerted via one if its onshore systems, this has  sector for more than 40 years. The Berkshire  partnership and commitment to the Brazilian
       reduced the need for maintenance personnel to  (UK) headquartered consultancy was acquired  market. Seadrill is focused on growing our fleet
       travel to the asset, significantly reducing carbon  in 2017 by Aberdeen oil and gas entrepreneur,  in strategic basins where we see high growth
       emissions associated with transportation.  Mark Cavanagh.                potential, such as Brazil, where we are now the
         The Aberdeen arm of Oil Plus will develop   Oil Plus, December 15 2021  largest international drilling contractor.”
       a comprehensive maintenance management                                   Seadrill, December 13 2021
       strategy and programme to support the con-  Helix Energy Solutions
       tinuous safe operations on Zandolie utilising its                        TechnipFMC wins flexible
       computerised asset integrity management aid,   extends Siem Helix 2
       AIM+. The company’s modular-based solution                               pipe frame agreements by
       migrates all other maintenance software, such   contract with Petrobras
       as Maximo, SAP and InforEAM, seamlessly to                               Petrobras offshore Brazil
       build a verified asset register. The amalgamated  Helix Energy Solutions Group is pleased to
       data is then used to establish an effective and  announce that it has entered into an extension  TechnipFMC has been awarded three frame
       aligned maintenance programme of scheduled  of its well intervention charter and services con-  agreements by Petrobras that will reaffirm the
       jobs based on best working practices and inter-  tracts for the Siem Helix 2 offshore Brazil with  Company’s leadership position in Brazil’s flexi-
       national legislation compliance.    Petrobras.                           ble pipe market – the industry’s largest and most
         DeNovo is Trinidad and Tobago’s fifth largest   The initial four-year contract for the Siem  established market. Altogether, the frame agree-
       natural gas producer, with a proven and sustain-  Helix 2 has been extended by one year at a  ments form a large contract for TechnipFMC.
       able model for increasing gas supply security by  reduced rate reflective of the current market. The   The contracts were awarded as part of Petro-
       safely and quickly developing stranded and mar-  Siem Helix 2 is now set to remain under contract  bras’s drive to increase oil recovery in its brown-
       ginal gas reserves at a competitive cost.  with Petrobras until mid-December 2022 per-  field developments, mainly in post-salt fields
         This is the third maintenance management  forming riser-based well intervention activities.  offshore Brazil.
       contract DeNovo has awarded to Oil Plus. The  The Siem Helix 2 is a purpose-built, advanced   The frame agreements cover the manufacture
       firm recently concluded a similar project to sup-  well intervention vessel capable of performing  of more than 500 km of flexible pipe over the
       port its onshore GPU facility followed by a sec-  a wide range of subsea services including pro-  next four years, as well as services. This brings
       ond scope at its Iguana field, the first west coast  duction enhancement, well decommissioning,  the Company’s total contracted volumes in the
       natural gas field to be developed in Trinidad and  subsea installation work, offshore crane and  current year with Petrobras to around 600 km.
       Tobago.                             ROV operations, offshore construction work   Jonathan Landes, President, Subsea at Tech-
         Mike Noble, Maintenance Engineering  and emergency response capabilities.  nipFMC, commented: “Petrobras is a longstand-
       Team Leader at Oil Plus said: “Being awarded   Scotty Sparks, Helix’s Executive Vice Presi-  ing partner of ours. Through collaboration and
       this third maintenance management con-  dent and Chief Operating Officer, stated: “On the  leveraging our expertise to engineer, design,
       tract with DeNovo demonstrates the value the  back of our recent accommodation and support  and manufacture solutions specifically for this
       organisation places on using the best available  contract for sister ship the Siem Helix 1 in Ghana  environment, we successfully delivered a flexi-
       technology and expertise to support its green  for another customer, we are glad to finalise this  ble solution that maximises oil recovery in the
       strategies and ambitions for delivering a lower  process and look forward to continuing a long  Brazilian deepwater environment.”
       carbon emissions future. Developing an opti-  and productive working relationship with Petro-  For TechnipFMC, a ‘large’ contract is between
       mised maintenance programme is essential to  bras. The Siem Helix 2 has consistently provided  $500mn and $1bn.
       mitigating equipment failures, avoiding costly  industry-leading well intervention services to   TechnipFMC, December 9 2021
       delays, and reducing CO2 footprint. Our unique  Petrobras. This extension demonstrates the
       AIMS+ application coupled with our technical  capacity for Helix to continuously provide inno-  AKOFS Offshore awarded
       capabilities can reduce the effort required to  vative solutions to fit our clients’ needs backed by
       build a maintenance programme and provide  our experience and proven track record.”  three-year contract
       robust quality checks. The information gathered   Helix Energy Solutions, December 14 2021
       also results in a more meaningful improvement                            with Petrobras
       cycle to enhance an asset’s overall performance   Seadrill announces contract
       in the long term. We look forward to supporting                            Akastor ASA’s 50%-owned affiliate AKOFS
                                           award totalling $264mn for           Offshore AS (AKOFS Offshore) has signed a
                                                                                firm three-year contract with Petrobras for its
                                           West Jupiter offshore Brazil         vessel Skandi Santos, which will perform a broad
                                                                                scope of subsea services in Brazil. The services
                                           Seadrill has secured a contract with Petrobras  will commence in Q4-2022 and the total con-
                                           for work in the Búzios field offshore Brazil for  tract value is about $107mn. AKOFS Offshore
                                           the West Jupiter. The contract is for a firm term  will be performing the Skandi Santos operations
                                           of 1,040 days with commencement expected  with its partners Bravante for marine services
                                           in December 2022. Total contract value is  and IKM Subsea for ROV services.

       Week 50   16•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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