Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              OIL                                  test the waters for mergers and acquisitions.”
                                                                                  The Permian Basin garnered $5.5 billion
       Pfluger leads letter to             Permian drives 46% of                in deal activity, mostly thanks to the merger
                                                                                between Midland-based Colgate Energy
       EPA against Permian non-            deals                                Partners and Denver’s Centennial Resource
                                                                                Development. Enverus expects the Permian to
       attainment designation              The country’s most productive oil field, the   be the main driver of deals moving forward.
                                           Permian Basin spanning across parts of West
                                                                                  While market volatility may spook some
       Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) led   Texas and New Mexico, is driving nearly half   investors, data firm PwC expects overall oil
       a letter to the Environmental Protection   of all oil and gas merger and acquisition deals,   and gas mergers and acquisitions to speed
       Agency decrying the agency’s potential non-  according to an energy research firm.   up during the second half of the year. In its
       attainment redesignation that would curb   During the second quarter of year   outlook the international firm said private
       oil and gas production in the Permian Basin,   companies inked about $12 billion worth   equity firms attracted to high oil and gas
       the largest secure supply of oil and gas in the   of merger and acquisition deals related to   prices are driving the deals.
       world.                              oil and gas production, data from Enverus   HOUSTON CHRONICLE
         Congressman Pfluger was joined by both   Intelligence Research shows. That’s down
       Texas Senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, as   about 18 percent from the $14.7 billion of   Sales of Permian lands in
       well as Representatives Yvette Herrell, Jodey   deals done in the first few months of the year.
       C. Arrington, Kevin Brady, Roger Williams,   Mergers and acquisitions often follow the   New Mexico announced as
       Tony Gonzales, Ronny L. Jackson, Louie   health of the economy: The number of deals
       Gohmert, Jake Ellzey, Randy Weber, Chip   declines during a downtown and rises in good   demand grows
       Roy, and Brian Babin, D.D.S.        times. Even with worsening inflation and a
         In the letter, the Members state: “The   potential recession looming, the price of crude  Oil companies continued to spend hundreds
       Permian Basin is the driver of American oil   — which settled Thursday just above $95   of millions of dollars to purchase land in New
       and natural gas production, accounting for   per barrel — is still attracting buyers even as   Mexico’s side of the Permian Basin in the
       over 40 percent of our oil production and 15   deals slowed.             southeast corner of the state, as demand for
       percent of our natural gas production. A non-  Private equity sellers made up around 80   fossil fuel production in the region continue
       attainment designation would significantly   percent of the quarter’s deal value, according   to grow amid the world’s recovery from
       burden producers in the Permian, slowing   to Enverus. The research firm notes the deals   COVID-19 and international market tensions.
       production and reducing supply from the   would have slowed down even more without   Earthstone Energy, based in The
       largest secure source of energy in the world.   the onslaught of private equity-backed sales.   Woodlands, Texas, announced June 28 it
       This region serves as a key geopolitical tool   “As anticipated, the spike in commodity   bought all of the oil and gas assets in the
       for the United States and our allies, and it is   prices that followed Russia’s invasion of   western Delaware sub-basin of the Permian
       inconceivable that the EPA would attempt to   Ukraine temporarily stalled mergers and   owned by Titus Oil and Gas Production for
       limit production when American consumers   acquisitions as buyers and sellers disagreed on   about $627 million.
       and families are facing record high energy   the value of assets,” said Enverus Intelligence   That included a production capacity of
       prices.”                            Research director Andrew Dittmar in   about 31,800 barrels of oil equivalent per day
       OA ONLINE                           a statement. “High prices, though, also   and 44 well sites, and 7,900 acres in Eddy and
                                           encouraged a rush by private equity firms to   Lea counties.
                                                                                  Ahead of the sale, Titus ran three rigs
                                                                                drilling six wells in Lea County, with
                                                                                completions expected in late 2022, per the
                                                                                  Earthstone said it plans to maintain two
                                                                                rigs in the Delaware and was considering a
                                                                                third along with two in the eastern Midland
                                                                                  Following the sale, Earthstone’s Delaware
                                                                                Basin presence grew to 44,000 acres – about
                                                                                256,000 acres basin-wide.
                                                                                  CEO Robert Anderson said the sale was
                                                                                intended to build Earthstone’s portfolio in the
                                                                                Permian Basin – the U.S.’ busiest oilfield –
                                                                                and followed other acquisitions in the region
                                                                                announced earlier this year.
                                                                                  “We had a goal of adding to our recently
                                                                                established Northern Delaware Basin position
                                                                                and are excited about this transaction and
                                                                                the drilling inventory we are acquiring as it is
                                                                                among the highest economic locations in the
                                                                                Permian Basin,” Anderson said.
                                                                                  “We continue to pursue synergies from

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