Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Delfin signs SPA for planned

       offshore LNG project

        US               DELFIN Midstream finalised a sale and pur-  contracts in place in order to begin construction,
                         chase agreement (SPA) this week with com-  according to the company’s statement. Delfin
                         modity trader Vitol for offtake from its planned  said it was on schedule to make a final invest-
                         floating LNG (FLNG) export terminal in the US  ment decision (FID) on its first FLNG vessel by
                         Gulf of Mexico.                      the end of 2022.
                           Under the terms of the agreement, Delfin will   The project is designed to accommodate
                         supply 500,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG to  up to four vessels in total, each with a capacity
                         Vitol from the FLNG facility, which would be  to produce 3.5mn tpy of LNG. Feedstock gas
                         located 40 nautical miles (74 km) off the coast of  would be supplied to the vessels using existing
                         Louisiana. The purchase price will be indexed to  offshore pipelines. Earlier this year, Poston said
                         the Henry Hub natural gas benchmark and the  the vessels would cost around $2bn each, with
                         deal will cover a period of 15 years. According to  the first anticipated to enter service around 2026.
                         Delfin’s statement, the agreement has been val-  However, those comments came before the war
                         ued at around $3bn in revenue over the 15-year  in Ukraine upended global gas markets and led
                         period.                              to new inflationary pressure on costs. However,
                           “Recent events have only accelerated the need  the war has also added to a sense of urgency to
                         for a wider array of potential buyers to source  secure long-term sources of supply among buy-
                         reliable low-cost energy from the safety of the  ers of LNG, reviving the prospects for US export
                         US at compelling prices and Delfin is perfectly  projects – including Delfin’s FLNG scheme – that
                         positioned to serve this growing need,” stated  had previously seen little interest from offtakers.
                         Delfin’s CEO, Dudley Poston.           According to this week’s statement, Vitol has
                           The FLNG project’s design is modular and  also finalised an investment in Delfin in addition
                         Delfin only requires 2.0-2.5mn tpy of long-term  to the SPA.™

       Suncor CEO steps down after new fatality

        US               SUNCOR Energy’s president and CEO, Mark  Little’s resignation was included, activists had
                         Little, has stepped down from his role follow-  also been pushing for a leadership change at
                         ing another worker fatality at a site operated by  Suncor, though ultimately it had come sooner
                         the company. The fatality, involving a worker at  than expected.
                         Suncor’s oil sands base plant in Alberta, was the   Analysts at other institutions broadly agreed
                         fifth for the company since Little became CEO in  that major changes were needed at Suncor if the
                         2019 and the thirteenth since 2014. This repre-  company is to fix its safety record and regain
                         sents by far the worst safety record among Cana-  investor confidence.
                         dian oil producers.                    “This is not just the CEO’s fault,” wrote Eight
                           Little did not make a statement, but Suncor’s  Capital analyst Phil Skolnick. “Ultimately, we
                         board chair, Michael Wilson, commended him  believe a meaningful overhaul will be needed;
                         for his “professionalism and the exceptional  and we see that taking time and money.”
                         work he did to guide Suncor through the pan-  And National Bank analyst Travis Wood said
                         demic and lead our sector’s progressive approach  a long-term cultural shift was needed across
                         to the energy transition”.           Suncor’s workforce, which totals around 17,000
                           Suncor’s executive vice president of down-  people. He wrote in a note that additional exec-
                         stream, Kris Smith, has been named interim  utive changes would likely be required, with
                         CEO and the company’s board has formed a  National Bank not believing the blame should
                         CEO search committee to conduct a “global  fall on one person alone.
                         search” for a permanent replacement for Little.  Nonetheless, McDermott sees a major oppor-
                           Morgan Stanley analyst Devin McDermott  tunity for the company to unlock value via oper-
                         believes an external candidate would be best  ational improvements. According to Morgan
                         received, given the duration of the operational  Stanley’s note, if this is achieved, it could drive
                         and safety issues at Suncor. According to a Mor-  a roughly 70% upside to Suncor’s current stock
                         gan Stanley note in which McDermott’s take on  price.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   15•July•2022
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