Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

       Tellurian to buy Haynesville

       assets from EnSight

        US               US LNG developer Tellurian announced this  in the fourth quarter, once it has completed the
                         week that its production unit had agreed to buy  acquisition.
                         natural gas assets in Louisiana’s Haynesville shale   The purchase comes as Tellurian continues
                         play from privately owned EnSight IV Energy  to grow its upstream footprint for supplying
                         Partners and EnSight Haynesville Partners.  feedstock gas to its planned Driftwood LNG
                           Tellurian is buying the assets for $125mn,  export terminal on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast. The
                         and may follow up with a contingent payment  company noted that once the transaction closes,
                         of $7.5mn depending on the natural gas price in  Tellurian Production’s Haynesville acreage will
                         March 2023. The company said it would fund the  total roughly 20,000 net acres (81 square km),
                         acquisition with cash on hand, with closing of  with over 275 gross drilling locations and a net
                         the transaction anticipated during this quarter.  resource of more than 2 trillion cubic feet (56.6
                           EnSight’s assets include net dry gas produc-  bcm).
                         tion of around 45mn cubic feet (1.3mn cubic   The company is planning to run a two-rig
                         metres) per day.                     programme in 2023, with output coming in at
                           The assets are spread across roughly 5,000  around 350 mmcf (9.9 mcm) per day.
                         net acres (20 square km) and include 44 produc-  The acquisition is aligned with Tellurian’s
                         ing wells, along with five wells that will still be  plan to become an integrated company that
                         in progress when the transaction closes. Proven  owns upstream production to help supply its
                         reserves associated with the assets are estimated  LNG facility. It views this business model as a
                         to total 108bn cubic feet (3.1bn cubic metres)  way of shielding itself against rising costs and
                         and Tellurian described the drilling inventory as  potentially diversifying its revenue streams.
                         high-return.                           Construction is already underway on the
                           EnSight is currently operating a one-rig drill-  27.6mn tonne per year (tpy) Driftwood LNG
                         ing programme on the properties, and Tellurian  terminal, but a final investment decision (FID)
                         said it planned to carry on with this programme  on the facility is still pending.™

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