Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden returns from Mid-East

       trip without oil agreement

       Gulf leaders have rebuffed Western efforts to get them to produce more oil and Joe Biden’s
       attempt is the latest, though it appears that despite the pageantry, little has changed.

        US               FOLLOWING his recent visit to the Middle  also clean energy transition, and I think the visit
                         East, President Joe Biden returns to the US as  should attract clean energy investments into the
                         the latest world leader to have made the trip and  kingdom as a part of its Vision 2030.”
       WHAT:             come home without a commitment on increas-  Meanwhile, it remains to be seen what Saudi
       Biden challenged Saudi   ing oil production.           Arabia can actually do to expand oil produc-
       Arabia on human rights   While oil prices may fall during the second  tion. “Riyadh has iterated that it is targeting a
       while seeking to rebuild   half of the year amid concerns about demand  maximum production capacity of 13mn bpd by
       bridges following   and plans by the OPEC+ group to raise output,  2027, and that’s the maximum it can do essen-
       the death of a Saudi   any Western leader claiming to have influenced  tially calling for investments in the upstream
       journalist.       the cost of a barrel through diplomacy would be  sector to meet growing oil demand and keep
                         a stretch.                           prices reasonable over the next decades,” said
       WHY:                Biden attended the GCC+3 Summit in Jed-  Alshammari.
       The US President has   dah with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the UAE,   State-led oil firm Saudi Aramco has been
       compromised on one of   Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Iraq, Jordan  working towards this target since 2020, with
       his key promises in order   and Egypt, with a key focus seeming to be the  current maximum sustainable capacity (MSC)
       to secure a promise on   reduction of oil prices before the November  sitting at just over 12mn bpd. However, there are
       oil output, though so far,   mid-terms.                legitimate questions to be asked about just how
       this looks to have come   The importance of Biden’s trip clearly goes  sustainable Saudi Arabia’s maxed out oil produc-
       up short.         beyond oil, but there were frustrations and  tion is, with 11.1mn bpd having been exceeded
                         mixed messages relating to defence and “values”.  just twice in history.
       WHAT NEXT:        Speaking on social media, Dr. Yousef Alsham-  The most recent of which came in on April 2,
       While Saudi Arabia,   mari, CEO & Head of Oil Research at CMarkits,  2020 when it hit a record 12.2mn bpd amid an
       the UAE and Iraq are   said: “While there has been no clear indication  ill-timed oil price war with Moscow. Even then,
       all working to raise oil   that the Kingdom will ramp up its production  sources at Aramco have said that while several
       capacity, they have yet to   above what has already been agreed within the  key fields including supergiants Berri, Man-
       be drawn on production   OPEC+ framework, 11.04mn barrels per day  ifa, Marjan, Safaniyah and Zuluf “outproduced
       above their own target   [bpd] in August, prices are already coming down  MSC”, large volumes of crude were released from
       levels.           due fears of recession and demand destruction.”  Saudi storage to bolster the ‘production’ figure.
                           He added: “Energy has been a central topic  The same week, the company set another record
                         on the Saudi and US agenda not only oil but  by loading more than 18.8mn barrels of crude on

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