Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US govt weighs options for Willow

        US               THE administration of US President Joe Biden is  is seen as a key step towards reissuing a federal
                         considering a range of options for ConocoPhil-  approval for Willow.
                         lips’ proposed Willow project in Alaska after the   A public comment period lasting 45 days is
                         initial approval for the development was over-  now underway and it is expected that the BLM
                         turned by a court last year.         could make a decision on the project later this
                           Last week, the Bureau of Land Management  year.
                         (BLM), part of the US Department of the Inte-  Projects such as Willow illustrate the chal-
                         rior (DoI), released a revised draft environmen-  lenge Biden faces in balancing his environmental
                         tal review of Willow.                goals with a push to produce more domestic oil
                           The review had been required after a judge  in the face of commodity price volatility. During
                         vacated the initial approval for the project,  his presidential campaign, Biden had pledged to
                         granted by the administration of former US  end new federal oil and gas leasing and drilling.
                         President Donald Trump, ruling that Willow’s   However, in recent months he has increas-
                         effects on climate change and wildlife had not  ingly called on US companies to produce more
                         been properly taken into account.    oil in a bid to help lower crude and gasoline
                           Under the revised draft review, the BLM  prices.
                         is considering several options for the project,   While Willow remains years away from
                         including a proposal to develop up to five drill  starting production – if it is approved – it is also
                         sites, a scaled-down version with fewer drill sites  seen by Alaskan officials as key to helping offset
                         and not approving the project at all.   declining output in the state.
                           The updated draft review does not represent   The project area, located inside the National
                         any final decision on how to proceed, the BLM  Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), is esti-
                         noted. However, the publication of the review  mated to contain around 600mn barrels.™

       Citgo willing to import Venezuelan

       crude with US permission

        US/VENEZUELA     CITGO Petroleum, a US-based downstream   However, there have been no formal changes
                         affiliate of Venezuela’s national oil company  in US policy that would allow a company such as
                         (NOC) PdVSA, indicated last week that it was  Citgo to import Venezuelan crude.
                         willing to resume imports of Venezuelan crude if   Carlos Jorda, the CEO of Citgo, commented
                         the US government authorised it to do so.  on the matter at a recent online conference on
                           Citgo has been unable to source feedstock  Venezuela’s foreign energy assets. “To be com-
                         from Venezuela since 2019, due to American  petitive in this market, we have to buy the cheap-
                         sanctions on its parent company PdVSA. Fol-  est and most convenient oil. We shouldn’t be at a
                         lowing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, however, US  disadvantage,” he said, comparing his company’s
                         and Venezuelan officials began talks in March on  position to that of other refiners.
                         the prospects for easing trade restrictions.  Horacio Medina, the chairman of a board
                           There is wide support for such a move. OPEC  that oversees Citgo, echoed Jorda’s sentiment.
                         and the French government have been urging  He explained that any Venezuelan crude that
                         the US to ease sanctions and to allow Venezuelan  might arrive in the US Gulf Coast (USGC) mar-
                         and Iranian exports to countries that are strug-  ket without penalties and at competitive prices
                         gling to replace their Russian-sourced supplies of  would have to be evaluated as a potential source
                         crude oil and natural gas.           going forward.
                           In response to this mounting pressure, the   Chevron, the last remaining US major to
                         US in May authorised two European companies  maintain a token presence in Venezuela, would
                         – Italy’s Eni and Spain’s Repsol, the last Euro-  undoubtedly agree. The company is not actively
                         pean operators to remain active in the South  producing oil in Venezuela, but it is seeking
                         American country following the imposition  approval from the US Department of the Treas-
                         of sanctions – to import Venezuelan oil again.  ury to import Venezuelan oil into the US and
                         That move helped push Venezuela’s oil and fuel  ultimately hopes to regain operational control
                         exports above 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) in  of its joint ventures in the South American
                         June.                                country.™

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