Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                turn the taps back on after Covid-driven
                                                                                cutbacks. But like in so many pockets of the
                                                                                economy, the recovery is sparking a mismatch.
                                                                                Sand suppliers have seen disruptions, labor
                                                                                shortages and trucking bottlenecks. The chief
                                                                                executive officer of US Silica Holdings Inc.,
                                                                                the largest publicly traded frac-sand miner,
                                                                                has dubbed the tight market “sandemonium”
                                                                                and said his company is sold out.
                                                                                  That’s where Steve Brock and his upstart
                                                                                sand-mining operation, Nomad Proppant
                                                                                LLC, come in. Since the early days of the shale
       the two acquisitions completed since the   out of the region and to export and refinery   revolution more than a decade ago, fracing
       beginning of 2022.”                 markets on the Gulf Coast of eastern Texas.  operators have relied on mined sand that’s
         Earthstone’s latest transaction followed the   Kinder Morgan announced June 29 a   delivered to their sites by truck — across
       June 27 announcement that Sitio Royalties   planned expansion of its Permian Highway   distances as long as 100 miles. Brock, Nomad’s
       spent about $550 million on two acquisitions   Pipeline capacity to about 550 million cubic   chief commercial officer, wants to turn that
       in the region as it also attempted to grow its   feet per day of gas by November 2023,   model on its head.
       footprint in the Permian.           targeting increased capacity at the Waha Hub   His idea: Why not just use the sand that’s
         For about $323 million, Sitio bought about   where oil and gas from throughout the region   right under your feet?
       19,700 acres in the Permian from Midland,   in New Mexico and Texas is gathered before   Nomad has developed machinery that can
       Texas-based Quantum Energy Partners,   being transported to market.      go directly to the frac wells (give or take 10
       along with 12,200 acres for $224 million from   Kinder Morgan Natural Gas Midstream   to 20 miles), vastly reducing the burden of
       Houston-based Momentum Minerals.    President Sital Moody said the project would   freight costs and the time-consuming process
         This increased the company’s Delaware   alleviate takeaway limitations in the region as   of trucking.
       Basin acreage to 24,500 acres and its Midland   capacity grows instep with fuel demand.  “We’re not brain surgeons here — all we’re
       Basin land to 7,400 acres – amounting to   “The project will alleviate transportation   doing is finding the best spots and washing
       a of 30 percent increase in Sitio’s Permian   constraints out of the Permian Basin so as to   and delivering the sand,” said Brock, 34.
       Basin-wide position.                further support meeting our domestic and   “Frankly, that it took us this long to get here is
         The acres were in Eddy and Lea counties,   global energy needs,” Moody said.  pretty wild.”
       along with Loving County, Texas in the   Jamie Welch, CEO of Kinetik, which joint-  Brock left his job at Covia, one of the
       Delaware Basin and Martin and Midland   owns the pipeline with Kinder Morgan, said   world’s biggest frac-sand miners, in February
       counties in the Midland Basin.      the expansion would improve access among   2020 to help start Nomad. It launched its first
         Sitio CEO Chris Conoscenti said the   gas producers to processing facilities.  mobile sand mine in West Texas last month,
       acquisitions were intended to drive up returns   “This expansion couldn’t come at a more   after the huge surge in prices. He calls the
       for the company’s investors, as part of a   critical time, as it will foster future natural gas   timing “very lucky.”
       market-wide trend toward asset consolidation   production growth in West Texas and provide   It’s sand scarcity, even more than price,
       and improving profit margins following the   several liquefaction facilities along the Texas   that’s the big hurdle for oil drillers. Pioneer
       market’s historic downturn as the COVID-19   Gulf Coast with more affordable, reliable   Natural Resources Co., the Permian’s biggest
       pandemic took hold in early 2020.   supply,” Welch said.                 producer, said it expected oil and natural gas
         “We are excited to announce these highly   CURRENT ARGUS               output would take a hit last quarter because of
       accretive acquisitions in the Permian Basin                              sand issues. Things are so extreme that some
       and continued execution of our returns-                                  oil companies are shipping sand in by train
       focused, large-scale mineral and royalty   SERVICES                      from Wisconsin at almost double the cost.
       consolidation strategy,” Conoscenti said.                                  Whether Nomad and rivals like Hi-Crush
         “We expect our shareholders to    Frac price spikes 150% in            Inc., one of the original frac-sand pioneers
       significantly benefit from efficiencies due to                           that’s now also introduced mobile units, can
       the increased scale of the Company and a   Permian                       help solve the sand squeeze could play a
       substantial increase to our dividend.”                                   significant role in the global energy markets.
         Noam Lockshin, chairman of Sitio’s Board   Bumping along the desolate highways of the   While drillers in the Permian have shown
       of Directors said the Permian Basin would   Permian Basin, the world’s busiest oil field,   restraint in ramping up oil production,
       prove valuable to the company in increasing   there are long stretches where all you see are   the last thing the world needs is for sand
       production in the coming years.     drilling rigs, sage brush and miles upon miles   problems to place even more limitations
         “The acquired assets are in highly valued   of sand. That’s why it’s so strange that Texas   on their output. The US, the world’s top oil
       areas of the Permian Basin, meaningfully   crude producers are facing a sand shortage of   producer and among the biggest liquefied
       increasing our line of sight to strong   more than 1 million tons and prices that have   natural gas exporters, has become an even
       production growth in the near-term and   jumped 150%.                    more important supplier in light of Russia’s
       providing substantial remaining inventory,”   Frac sand, which gets blasted through   war in Ukraine and OPEC’s struggles to meet
       he said.                            shale rocks to unlock oil and natural gas, is   production targets. Meanwhile, deficits in
         As operators are poised to increase their   averaging $55 a ton, up from $22 at the end   energy supplies — and the resulting surge in
       fossil fuel output in the Permian Basin, so too   of 2021, data from energy-research firm Lium   prices — are among the biggest drivers of the
       was the region’s capacity to ship oil and gas   show. Demand is climbing as oil explorers   dramatic rise in inflation across the planet.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   15•July•2022
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