Page 14 - DMEA Week 50 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       noticed in the region.              FUELS                                Israeli port city that houses a fragile coral reef.
         He described illegal refining as an act                                  The announcement could lead to the
       of environmental terrorism, noting that   Share of CNG in Iran’s         cancellation of the deal, one of the biggest
       the youths involved in it were not only                                  to emerge from the normalization of ties
       endangering their own lives, but also killing   energy mix to reach 30%  between Israel and the UAE last year.
       innocent people in instalments.                                          Environmentalists had petitioned Israel’s
         He said: “Our youths must emulate the   The director of research and technology   Supreme Court to block the agreement.
       lifestyle of Pa Akpolo. He didn’t allow his   of the National Iranian Oil Refining and   Signed between an Israeli state-owned
       environment and the circumstances of his   Distribution Company (NIORDC) voiced an   company and a venture with Emirati and
       birth to weigh him down to become an   increase in the share of CNG in the fuel mix of  Israeli owners, the deal allows for oil unloaded
       ingrate to God. He took to the worship of God   vehicles to 30% by 2025.  from tankers in the Red Sea port of Eilat to be
       and continue to soldier on.            According to ISNA, Reza Kazemnejad   moved across Israel in an existing pipeline to
         “So, don’t say I have nobody to train me   underlined the importance of signing a   the Mediterranean coast.
       that is why I join secret cult or I’m vandalising   contract for production of 45,000 dual-fuel   Responding to the Supreme Court petition,
       pipelines or I’m taking to crime. If you read   cars, taxis and vans between NIORDC and   Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government
       his biography, you will agree with me that he   Iran-Khodro, adding: “This was an important   said it would not intervene and would instead
       walked through the road of hardship.  step in the production of dual-fuel cars in the   allow the Environmental Protection Ministry
         “There is really nothing you are passing   13th administration which took place for the   to play its regulatory role limiting activities
       through today, that people had not passed   first time.”                 that pose ecological risks.
       through before. So, I want to use this   If the groundwork is laid, conclusion   “We blocked the entry of dozens of oil
       opportunity to encourage especially our   of such contracts will be a priority in the   tankers into the Gulf of Eilat,” Environmental
       youths to desist from this acts of criminality.  NIORDC plans to accelerate production and   Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg said in a
         “Our environment has already been   conversion of dual-fuel vehicles with the   statement, adding that Israel “will not become
       polluted by the oil companies. We are   support of the company.          a bridge of pollution in an era of the climate
       suffering from that degradation. But now,   He added: “Currently, the share of CNG   crisis”.
       you are adding to it by doing illegal refining.   in the country’s fuel mix is 21.2%, equivalent   Israel’s energy minister had previously
       What you are doing is worse than what the oil   to 22.4 million cubic meters of CNG per day,   come out against the deal, also over
       companies are doing. You are killing all of us   which is set to increase to 30% by 2025.”  environmental concerns.
       in instalments.”                    SHANA                                  The Israeli state-owned company involved
         He also cautioned them to steer clear                                  in the deal, Europe Asia Pipeline Company
       from cultism and other criminal activities                               (EAPC), said the deal has “significant
       tarnishing the good image of the state and   PIPELINES                   geopolitical and economic advantages for
       embrace the various programmes government                                Israel and its citizens.”
       is putting in place to better their lot.  Israel blocks UAE oil            EAPC said it was committed to protecting
         Commenting on the life and legacies of Pa                              the environment and would continue its
       Dick Akpolo, he remarked that the departed   pipeline deal               dialogue with the Environmental Protection
       octogenarian lived a life worthy of emulation                            Ministry over its pipeline activities.
       regardless of the difficult circumstances he   Israel’s Environmental Protection Ministry   The other company involved in the deal,
       experienced.                        said on Thursday that it had blocked a deal   MED-RED Land Bridge, did not immediately
       VANGUARD                            with partners from the United Arab Emirates   provide a comment.
                                           to transport oil from the Gulf to Europe via an   REUTERS

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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