Page 11 - DMEA Week 50 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       NNPC discloses refining expenditure

        AFRICA           THE  Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.  Saipem and subsidiary Saipem Contracting
                         (NNPC) this week disclosed its operational  worth a total of $1.485bn – $898mn for Warri
                         expenditure during the first 10 months of 2021,  and $587mn for Kaduna – in August that entail
                         showing that it spent NGN83.33bn ($202mn) on  a three-phase approach to rehabilitate the refin-
                         rehabilitating its refining facilities.  eries over 77 months.
                           The first contracts were signed in April for   Given NNPC’s patchy history of operating
                         the overhaul of the company’s currently defunct  these state facilities, state investment in rehabil-
                         refining slate, which amounts to 445,000 barrels  itating the refineries has been a thorny issue and
                         per day (bpd). Following years of operating at  Minister of State, Petroleum Resources Timipre
                         near-zero utilisation, the four refineries – two at  Sylva sought to quell the discontent about ongo-
                         Port Harcourt, one at Kaduna and one at Warri –  ing spending, saying that NNPC had to continue
                         were taken offline completely in 2019.  paying salaries despite not producing any fuel
                           NNPC has budgeted NGN100bn ($245mn)  from the facilities.
                         for the full year and expenditure appears to be   “We have a situation now of a refinery that
                         on track to utilise the full allocation.  has not functioned for three years, yet it’s paying
                           The Nigerian government secured a $1bn  salaries. Every [member of] staff is being paid.
                         loan from Cairo-based African Export-Import  The refineries haven’t worked for three years. We
                         Bank (Afreximbank) in February and awarded a  have carried on paying salaries. Nobody can sack
                         $1.5bn engineering, procurement and construc-  anybody,” he said.
                         tion (EPC) contract to Italy’s Maire Tecnimont in   The minister noted that the blame for the
                         April to return the Port Harcourt Refining Co.  current situation should be shared among stake-
                         (PHRC) complex to 90% of its capacity by 2023.  holders. “People are getting promoted, but the
                           The facility has a theoretical nameplate capac-  refineries are not functioning. Unions will not
                         ity of 210,000 bpd, comprising a 60,000 bpd unit  let you [fire anyone]. Those are the real issues. A
                         built in 1965, known as Area 5, and a newer  few days ago, [NNPC managing director Mele
                         unit built in 1989 which is capable of processing  Kyari] just threatened to lay off some contract
                         150,000 bpd of crude. The Italian company had  staff in Kaduna refinery, which has not func-
                         carried out a 50mn, six-month ‘integrity check’  tioned for three years, and the unions wrote to
                         in 2019, with fellow Italian firm Eni contracted  me that they heard that their members were to be
                         as technical adviser. This work included equip-  sacked and gave threats.” He added: “The unions
                         ment inspection at the site, as well as “relevant  and their members were the ones managing the
                         engineering and planning activities”.  refineries. Yes, I know government is to blame.
                           NNPC’s facilities at Warri and Kaduna have  I am not absolving government completely, but
                         capacities of 125,000 bpd and 110,000 bpd  they themselves are part of the blame game. They
                         respectively. Contracts were awarded to Italy’s  were managing it.”™


       Iran to produce own petchem catalysts by 2023

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN will be fully self-reliant in producing cat-  petrochemical catalysts annually, $200mn of
                         alysts used in the petrochemical industry by the  which was domestically supplied.
                         Iranian calendar year of 1402 which begins in   Domestic production of the catalysts pres-
                         March 2023,                          ently exported would save Iran $150mn-$180mn
                           On December 12 official energy news agency  annually, according to NPC figures. After oil and
                         Shana quoted Majid Daftari, managing director  gas, the petrochemical industry is recognised
                         of the country’s Petrochemical Research and  as Iran’s most important, creating value-added
                         Technology Co. (PRTC) as saying that of the  using oil- and gas-based feedstocks.
                         40 types of catalyst groups used by Iran’s petro-  The country’s petrochemical capacity is
                         chemical industry, Iran already boasts the kno-  expected to reach 130mn tonnes per year by
                         whow to produce 20.                  March 2026 with 50 projects anticipated being
                           “By the end of this [Persian calendar] year  completed by the end of 1404 which begins in
                         [which falls on March 20, 2022], [the knowhow  March 2025.
                         for producing] eight more groups will be indi-  In August, Mohammadi also said that total
                         genised and the remaining 12 groups are being  cumulative investment in the petrochemical sec-
                         researched or developed,” he added.  tor will reach $125bn by 2027/28.
                           Former head of the National Petrochemical   During 2020, Iran accounted for a 22.1%
                         Co. (NPC) Behzad Mohammadi previously  share of Middle Eastern petrochemical trade,
                         said that the country needs $275mn worth of  illustrating year-on-year growth of 2%.™

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