Page 8 - DMEA Week 50 2021
P. 8

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       Iran points finger at Europe for

       lack of nuclear talks progress

        MIDDLE EAST      EVER since former US President Donald Trump  Iran of walking back diplomatic progress that
                         yanked the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal  was made in the first phase of the talks that
                         between Iran and major powers three and a half  ended in June. At the end of last week, European
                         years ago, the Iranians have accused Europe of  sources briefed news agencies that Iran had now
                         doing nothing meaningful to save the multilat-  agreed to continue the talks from where they left
                         eral agreement.                      off in June. But by the weekend, Iranian officials
                           Tehran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri  had denied this.
                         kept up that line on December 12 when he told   Nevertheless, Iranian President Ebrahim
                         Press TV that the “European parties are failing  Raisi said on December 11 that Tehran was
                         to come up with any initiatives to resolve differ-  serious in the nuclear talks with world powers
                         ences over the removal of sanctions [on Iran]”.  in Vienna.
                         Bagheri was referring to Britain, France and Ger-  “The fact that we presented the text of Iran’s
                         many, which along with Iran, Russia and China  proposal to the negotiating parties shows that we
                         are still signed up to the nuclear deal, known as  are serious in the talks, and if the other side is
                         the JCPOA.                           also serious about the removal of [US] sanctions,
                           The sanctions mentioned by Bagheri were  we will achieve a good agreement,” state news
                         gradually imposed by the US after Trump exited  agency IRNA quoted Raisi as saying.
                         the JCPOA, arguing it was not tough enough and   Bagheri said on December 11 that several
                         that the heaviest ever sanctions imposed on Teh-  issues remained unresolved in the Vienna talks.
                         ran would be needed to drive the Iranians to the  “Several points of difference have remained
                         negotiating table to negotiate a more stringent  which require decision-making at the high-level
                         nuclear deal.                        and these are still on the table unresolved.”
                           After the Trump walkout, Iran looked to   The UK, meanwhile, said the onus was on
                         Europe for some protection from the American  Iran to enable a breakthrough at the talks. “This
                         sanctions, but little of any consequence eventu-  is the last chance for Iran to come to the nego-
                         ated. Realising it was gaining little from contin-  tiating table with a serious resolution to this
                         uing to abide by the JCPOA – drawn up to hold  issue, which has to be agreeing the terms of the
                         Iran to compliance measures that would ensure  JCPOA,” British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said
                         its nuclear development programme was kept  at a G7 meeting in Liverpool.
                         entirely civilian – Iran set out on a course that   As part of a policy that makes it clear to Teh-
                         has seen it, step by step, breach key conditions of  ran that heavy sanctions would remain if no
                         the nuclear deal.                    nuclear deal relaunch agreement was struck,
                           The ongoing Vienna talks, called to find a  the US will this week send a senior delegation to
                         path on which both the US and Iran could return  the UAE to ramp up pressure on entities that are
                         to fully implementing the JCPOA, got off to a dif-  committing sanctions non-compliance by doing
                         ficult start two weeks ago when the US accused  business with Iran.™

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