Page 4 - DMEA Week 50 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Local firms invest as TA’ZIZ

       chemicals momentum builds

       A group of investors have committed to participate in a portfolio of projects
       being developed at Abu Dhabi’s new speciality chemicals zone at Ruwais.

        MIDDLE EAST      A group of eight Emirati investors this week  chlor-alkali (CA) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
                         acquired a 20% stake in a portfolio of chemicals   With HE Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE
                         projects being developed by Abu Dhabi Chemi-  Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology
       WHAT:             cals Derivatives Co. (TA’ZIZ) at Ruwais in west-  and ADNOC managing director and CEO, say-
       The investors have   ern Abu Dhabi.                    ing that the “new domestic partners will have a
       provided $800mn     The investors have committed to an invest-  stake in ongoing activities to enable additional
       of backing to TA’ZIZ   ment of $800mn to acquire the stake in a raft of  domestic production of critical industrial raw
       chemicals projects that   petrochemicals projects worth AED15bn ($3bn)  materials”, the 20% stake will cover these exist-
       will form the foundation   which are being developed at the TA’ZIZ Indus-  ing developments.
       of the new industrial   trial Chemicals Zone, formerly referred to as   While the shareholder structures of individ-
       zone.             Ruwais Derivatives Park and part of the wider  ual projects will not be announced until next
                         TA’ZIZ ecosystem. The investment marks the  year, with ADNOC’s Fertiglobe affiliate, Japan’s
       WHY:              formation of Abu Dhabi’s first domestic public  Mitsui and South Korean firm GS Energy
       The TA’ZIZ partners   private partnership (PPP) in the petrochemicals  already having agreements in place for the 1mn
       are looking to develop   sector.                       tonne per year blue ammonia plant and India’s
       world-scale facilities that   The group of investors comprises Al Dhafra  Reliance Industries and TA’ZIZ forming the
       boost Ruwais and Abu   Co-operative Society, Al Nasser Holdings, Alpha  TA’ZIZ EDC & PVC JV earlier this month for
       Dhabi’s role in speciality   Dhabi Partners Holding, Arab Development  the development of a plant to produce 1.1mn tpy
       chemicals and low-  Establishment, Buhairan Ltd Co., Capital Invest-  of EDC, 940,000 tpy of chlor-alkali and 360,000
       carbon fuels markets.  ment, Mazrui International and Mazrui Energy  tpy of PVC, the local investors’ 20% share will be
                         Services and Riverside Investments.  the one constant.
       WHAT NEXT:                                               ADNOC has also signed agreements to
       EPC contracts are   Investment plans                   develop a utilities facility with TAQA and a port
       expected to be awarded   Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and  with ADNOC Logistics & Services and AD Ports
       in 2022 ahead of the   holding company ADQ have stakes of 60% and  Group to support the development of the chem-
       industrial chemical   40% in the TA’ZIZ joint venture (JV), which is  icals zone.
       zone’s start-up in 2025.  also developing the TA’ZIZ Light Industrial
                         Zone for downstream conversion industries for  Petchem progress
                         the chemical outputs and the TA’ZIZ Industrial  Following its launch in November 2020, marine
                         Services Zone to serve the other industrial sec-  and land surveys at the project have now been
                         tions of the complex. These are located on the site  completed. ADNOC and ADQ have awarded
                         of the former ‘Conversion Park’.     contracts for the first stages of development of
                           Several early deals have already been signed  the site and work is underway on geotechnical,
                         for projects in the industrial chemicals zone  topographical and marine bathymetric surveys.
                         covering the development of facilities to pro-  ADNOC said that industrial chemical zone
                         duce blue ammonia, ethylene dichloride (EDC),  projects are currently in the design phase, with

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