Page 10 - DMEA Week 50 2021
P. 10
Idemitsu receives
Emirati blue ammonia
MIDDLE EAST JAPANESE refiner Idemitsu Kosan this week to have signed ammonia deals with ADNOC,
said it had received the first shipment of blue with Inpex and Itochu having all agreed supply
ammonia from Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. contracts this year, while various South Korean
(ADNOC) following a deal in August. firms have done the same.
The cargo was shipped from the Fertil plant The ammonia was produced using gas feed-
at Abu Dhabi’s Ruwais downstream hub in the stock supplied by ADNOC and CO2 emitted in
west of the emirate and arrived at the 255,000 its production was captured and stored for use
barrel per day (bpd) Yokkaichi refinery in Japan in the company’s enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
on December 9, and has now been transferred efforts.
into an ammonia tank at the facility. Fertiglobe is the largest export-focused nitro-
According to the Japanese firm, the ammonia gen fertiliser platform globally, and the largest
was shipped in liquefied form using an ISO tank producer in MENA with an output capacity of
container. It will be used in the refinery’s boiler 5mn tonnes per year of urea and 1.5mn tpy of
and furnaces to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) merchant ammonia from facilities in Algeria,
emissions. Egypt and the UAE.
The contract was signed between Idemitsu The JV is working with holding company
and Fertiglobe, a joint venture between chemi- ADQ, Japan’s Mitsui and Korea’s GS Energy to
cals specialist OCI and ADNOC that was listed develop a new world-scale 1mn tpy blue ammo-
on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) nia project at TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals
earlier this year. ADNOC was responsible for Zone in Ruwais in addition to the 300,000 tpy of
transporting the ammonia. hydrogen it already produces at the downstream
Idemitsu is one of several Japanese companies hub.
Sumed crude shipments
rise in November
MENA CRUDE oil shipments from Egypt’s Sumed reached 142,000 bpd in November, sufficient to
pipeline rose in November to north of 700,000 fill one quarter of the country’s reported refining
barrels per day (bpd), their highest since May capacity. Poland could be diversifying its source
2020, with Poland emerging as the single big- of crude imports away from Russia, its tradi-
gest buyer, revealed data reportedly compiled by tional supplier, at a time of heightened tensions
Bloomberg. between them over a range of political and eco-
The Sumed pipeline allows shippers to bypass nomic issues.
the Suez Canal, carrying crude delivered in some While demand for crude via Sumed has been
of the world’s largest oil tankers from a terminal on the rise, deliveries seem to have exceeded
on the Red Sea to storage tanks near Alexandria offtake in recent months, causing stockpiles of
on the Mediterranean. From there, shipments crude in the pipeline’s storage tanks in Sidi Kerir
are made in smaller vessels to buyers, predom- near Alexandria to increase by an estimated
inantly in the Mediterranean and Northwest 20mn barrels since August.
European markets.
While Mediterranean destinations, domi-
nated by Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey, collec-
tively represent the largest market for crude from
Sumed, the two biggest individual destinations
last month were Poland and the Netherlands.
The rising volume of crude, most of it com-
ing from Saudi Arabia, that is being delivered
to Sumed’s Mediterranean terminal increases
the competition for similar quality crude from
Shipments to the Polish port of Gdansk
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 50 16•December•2021