Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       SERVICES                            MOVES                                ENERGY TRANSITION

       NexTier teams with Silixa           Esperanza Capital Partners  SoCalGas to use Gas

       to launch IntelliStimSM             announces new energy                 Mapping LiDAR™ to reduce
       frack optimisation system,  investment platform                          methane emissions

       completes first project in          Esperanza Capital Partners is pleased to   In a bold leadership move to increase safety
                                                                                and reduce emissions, the nation’s largest gas
                                           announce the formation of its inaugural
       Mid-Continent Region                energy investment platform, founded by   distribution utility, Southern California Gas
                                                                                Company (SoCalGas), recently signed an
                                           Managing Partners David M. Dunwoody,
       NexTier Oilfield Solutions today announced   Jr. and William H. Goodwin alongside   agreement for $12mn with high-tech laser
       that the company has recently launched the   investment firm Cockrell Interests. ECP will   company, Bridger Photonics, Inc. (Bridger).
       IntelliStim fracturing optimisation system   target the acquisition of high-quality energy   The company is using Bridger’s Gas Mapping
       and has completed its first project for a major   and infrastructure assets located in the US   LiDAR to detect, pinpoint, and quantify
       operator in the Mid-Continent region.  Gulf of Mexico (GoM).             methane emissions throughout SoCalGas’s
         The proprietary IntelliStim system packages   ECP is focused on assets which provide   distribution area. While the EPA estimates
       the full array of NexTier’s NexHub® digital   investors with current cash flow yield and   that the distribution sector accounts for 6%
       technologies into a comprehensive, value-added  providing creative solutions to current   of the oil & gas industry emissions, methane,
       offering. It will enable NexTier customers   basin incumbents looking for a transition,   the primary constituent in natural gas, is 84
       to monitor every aspect of the completion   a strategic or operating partner or a flexible   times more potent than carbon dioxide as a
       operation in real time, including detailed   capital provider. Armed with long-duration   greenhouse gas on short time scales.
       downhole visualisations to verify that the   capital partners, a unique investment   SoCalGas’s mission is to be the cleanest,
       fracturing treatment is performing as planned.  structure and a track record of safely building   safest, and most innovative energy company
         Exclusive to NexTier, the system builds   and operating a portfolio of offshore assets,   in America. The company currently serves
       upon the Company’s focused strategy of   ECP is positioned to pursue the diverse set of   over 21mn consumers with nearly 5.9mn
       integrated wellsite operations that improve   opportunities that exist in the offshore energy   meters of natural gas pipeline in more than
       wellsite performance and decrease oilfield   sector.                     500 communities.
       operators’ ultimate cost per barrel. Using   “We believe historical under-investment   While SoCalGas already monitors
       personnel already on location to quickly   in the GoM provides a unique opportunity   its service area each year with foot
       deploy instrumentation, the system is   for ECP to safely transition assets from   patrols, consistently exceeding regulatory
       designed to merge seamlessly and without   larger operators to a focused, seller-aligned   requirements, the company has chosen to
       interruption in today’s high-efficiency   investment platform with a clean structure   proactively scan the remaining 80% each
       fracturing operations.              and balance sheet capable of substantial   year using Gas Mapping LiDAR to further
         From pre-job treatment design to offset   scale,” said ECP Managing Partner William   improve safety and reduce emissions.
       well monitoring, stage-by-stage performance   Goodwin.                   Helicopters equipped with LiDAR sensors
       assessments and detailed visualisations   Prior to ECP, Mr. Dunwoody was co-  will fly over SoCalGas’s distribution area to
       of downhole fracture propagation during   founder and president of EnVen Energy,   scan for methane emissions. After each day’s
       pumping, all surface and downhole data will   an independent operator in the GOM, and   scan, Bridger will provide SoCalGas a digital
       be hosted on the NexHub Digital Center and   Mr. Goodwin was a Partner at Millennial   map that shows gas plume images, pinpoints
       displayed using the industry-leading Corva   Energy Partners, an energy investment firm   the leak source with GPS coordinates and
       visualisation platform. This empowers all   and direct asset manager. Further, while   quantifies the detected methane emissions.
       decision makers, whether at the wellsite or   serving in their prior leadership roles, the   SoCalGas will use this information to dispatch
       from a remote location, with precise control   principals closed multiple acquisitions   appropriate crews straight to the emissions
       to make dynamic adjustments to optimise   of material scale with several oil and gas   source to resolve the problem.
       completion performance.             super-majors.                          “Using this new technology is another way
         The IntelliStim system uses Silixa’s   “We look forward to combining the   we are working to meet our commitment to
       Carina® sensing system to assess frac-design   operations and investment management   reach net-zero emissions by 2045,” said Gina
       performance in real time. The Carina system   expertise of the ECP partnership to create   Orozco, vice president of gas engineering
       incorporates a Constellation fiber-equipped   a unique and sustainable investment   and system integrity at SoCalGas. “This
       sensing wireline cable to cost-effectively   model in our industry for decades to   technology provides us with a critical early
       monitor fracture growth, azimuthal   come,” said ECP Managing Partner David   detection system that can help us mitigate
       development and cluster efficiency while   Dunwoody. “Cockrell has deep roots   leaks more quickly, while we also move to
       pumping. With the ability to be repeatedly   in the investment community and our   use more lower and zero-carbon fuels to
       deployed and retrieved in multiple offset   industry, and we couldn’t imagine a better   increasingly decarbonise our pipeline system.”
       wells via a NexTier wireline truck, this proven   partner for ECP.”        Dr. Pete Roos, CEO and co-founder of
       Silixa intervention solution achieves the most   ESPERANZA CAPITAL PARTNERS, August 26,   Bridger adds, “We are so proud and excited to
       accurate measurements and highest signal-to-  2021                       support SoCalGas’s leadership in improving
       noise ratio in the industry.                                             safety and reducing emissions with Gas
       NEXTIER OILFIELD SOLUTIONS, August 23,                                   Mapping LiDAR.”
       2021                                                                     BRIDGER PHOTONICS, August 24, 2021

       Week 34   26•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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