Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            intensity and exposure to water stress for an   WhiteWater announces
                                           area of operation. Methane intensity measures
       Journey Energy announces            methane emissions relative to barrel of oil   acquisition of Sendero’s
                                           equivalent production.
       closing of the private              have been conserved since the inception   Gateway Pipeline
                                             Over 65mn total barrels of freshwater
       company acquisition                 of Surge Energy’s water recycling program.   WhiteWater today announced the acquisition
                                           Additionally, our water pipeline system
                                                                                of Sendero’s Gateway Pipeline. The 24-
       Journey Energy reports that it has closed   eliminated approximately 500,000 truck trips   inch Gateway Pipeline is connected to
       the previously announced private company   on local roads and saved over 5mn truck miles  WhiteWater’s Agua Blanca pipeline system,
       (PrivateCo) acquisition.            in 2020 which eliminates emissions associated   The Gateway Pipeline extends approximately
         The acquisition price was paid via the   with diesel trucks.           24 miles north from Reeves County into the
       issuance of 3.5mn Journey shares plus   “The results of this industry survey are   Carlsbad Area.
       CAD2.9mn of cash. The shareholders of   just the latest example of Surge’s commitment   WhiteWater’s investment in Agua Blanca is
       PrivateCo voted overwhelmingly in favor   to sustainability by being a basin leader in   led by First Infrastructure Capital.
       of the Journey acquisition with 92% of the   water recycling and conservation,” stated CEO   WHITEWATER, August 26, 2021
       votes cast approving the deal. Production   Linhua Guan.
       from PrivateCo’s producing wells for the week   SURGE ENERGY US HOLDINGS, August 19,
       ending August 13, 2021 was approximately   2021                          DOWNSTREAM
       667 boepd (73% natural gas), which was 9%
       higher than the 610 boepd (76% natural gas)                               US chemical production
       reported at the date of announcement on June   MIDSTREAM
       24, 2021.                                                                expands in July
       JOURNEY ENERGY, August 19, 2021     Trophy Pipeline announces            The US Chemical Production Regional
       Surge Energy America                open season for Texas                Index (US CPRI) rose 1.1% in July following
                                                                                a 3.5% gain in June and a 5.5% rebound in
       announces top quartile              Expansion project                    May, according to the American Chemistry
                                                                                Council (ACC). During July, chemical output
       water and methane                   Trophy Pipeline today announced it intends   rose in all regions, reflecting continued
                                                                                demand for chemistry products. The US CPRI
                                           to conduct an open season for its Texas
       intensity performance               Expansion project. Trophy proposes to   is measured as a three-month moving average
                                           construct an approximately 3-mile-long
       Surge Energy US Holdings announces top   pipeline from a new origin located in Winkler   Chemical production was mixed in July
       quartile water conservation performance   County, Texas to its existing FERC regulated,   (3MMA), with growth in the production
       in the Permian Basin per an industry   crude oil pipeline located in Lea County, New   of organic chemicals, fertilisers, adhesives,
       benchmarking survey.                Mexico.                              coatings, chlor-alkali, crop protection
         Surge Energy recently participated   Trophy intends to conduct an Open Season   chemicals, synthetic rubber, other specialty
       in a benchmarking survey that included   to obtain long-term acreage dedications   chemicals, and miscellaneous inorganic
       freshwater and methane intensity    for the Texas Expansion project, which is   chemicals. These gains were offset by
       comparisons for 13 operators in the Permian   expected to be placed into service on or   weakness in manufactured fibres and
       Basin during the years 2019 and 2020. Surge   around October 1, 2021.    consumer products.
       Energy was a top quartile performer during   The open season is scheduled to begin on   As nearly all manufactured goods are
       these periods. Freshwater intensity measures   August 26, 2021, and end on September 26,   produced using chemistry in some form,
       the volume of freshwater withdrawn from   2021. All bids must be submitted to Trophy   manufacturing activity is an important
       local sources for fracking operations relative   by 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on or before   indicator for chemical demand. Following
       to the resulting barrel of oil equivalent   September 25, 2021           a 0.2% gain in June, manufacturing output
       production. The data estimates the freshwater   TROPHY PIPELINE, August 26, 2021  continued to expand in July, by 0.7%
                                                                                (3MMA). The trend in manufacturing
                                                                                production was mixed, with gains in the
                                                                                output of motor vehicles and parts, aerospace,
                                                                                machinery, computers, semiconductors,
                                                                                iron and steel products, foundries, refining,
                                                                                oil and gas extraction, plastic products,
                                                                                rubber products, tires, printing, apparel and
                                                                                  Compared with July 2020, US chemical
                                                                                production rose sharply in July, by 7.2%.
                                                                                Chemical production was higher than a year
                                                                                ago in all regions.
                                                                                AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL, August 24,

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2021
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