Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Transocean will upgrade
                                                                                                  a second drillship to
                                                                                                  handle pressures of
                                                                                                  20,000 psi.

                           Similar technology is required for Shenan-  Paleogene wells. However, Usoro pointed to
                         doah. Transocean said in a statement this week  other smaller companies successfully taking on
                         that the Shenandoah programme comprises  Paleogene projects, as LLOG did with Buckskin,
                         two phases, with the first seeing the Deepwa-  and said that 20,000 psi technology was taking
                         ter Atlas begin operations in the third quarter  “huge leaps” in the Gulf.
                         of 2022, initially using dual blowout preventers
                         (BOPs) rated to 15,000 psi. Upon completion of  What next?
                         the initial drilling programme, a 20,000 psi BOP  The FID bodes well for more deepwater devel-
                         will be installed on the rig. Transocean said this  opment in the Gulf, including further Paleogene
                         would turn the rig into its second asset with a  projects. Indeed, TotalEnergies’ North Platte
                         20,000 psi-rated well control system.  project appears to be moving forward, with Val-
                           The initial drilling programme is anticipated  aris announcing in its second-quarter earnings
                         to last roughly 255 days, with 45-60 days then  release earlier this month that its DS-11 rig had
                         needed for the BOP installation and commis-  been awarded a contract for the high-pressure
                         sioning. The second phase of the project – well  project. The rig will be restored from preser-
                         completion – is anticipated to take around 275  vation stack, and fitted with a 20,000 psi BOP
                         days, Transocean added.              before being used for drilling at North Platte
                           “This is a significant milestone for Transo-  from 2024. The fitting of the BOP will make
                         cean, [Beacon] and the Shenandoah partners,  it the third drillship to be capable of handling   Other
                         as we jointly venture into this new frontier of  20,000 psi environments, after Transocean’s two
                         ultra-deepwater drilling,” stated Transocean’s  rigs.                      opportunities
                         president and CEO, Jeremy Thigpen. “We are   And as Transocean’s Thigpen said, the list of   close to
                         extremely pleased to have secured the maiden  20,000 psi opportunities in the Gulf is growing,
                         contract for the Deepwater Atlas; the first of  across multiple companies. Meanwhile, other   sanctioned
                         our two 8th generation ultra-deepwater drill-  opportunities close to sanctioned projects also
                         ships that will enter the market in 2022, both of  stand a better chance of being commercialised.  projects also
                         which will be outfitted for 20,000 psi ultra-deep-  Usoro identified the Yucatan, Coronado and
                         water well operations. We are very encouraged  Monument discoveries, which have combined   stand a better
                         by the growing list, across multiple customers,  reserves of over 300mn barrels of oil equiva-  chance of being
                         of 20,000 psi opportunities in the US Gulf of  lent per day (boepd), as now having a higher
                         Mexico.”                             chance of commerciality thanks to the FID on   commercialised.
                           Developing Shenandoah is expected to be  Shenandoah.
                         transformational for privately owned Beacon. A   “The Shenandoah joint venture secured
                         Wood Mackenzie senior research analyst, Mfon  funds to the tune of $900mn for the first phase
                         Usoro, was quoted by media this week as saying  of development, highlighting our view that
                         it would take the company from the being the  even with net-zero goals, both oil and gas
                         20th largest producer in the Gulf to the 10th.  companies and the global capital market still
                           Developing the project is expected to be  see value in high-return, low-emission oil and
                         challenging, and indeed Beacon, which was  gas projects,” she was quoted by separate media
                         formed in 2016, has not previously drilled any  outlets as saying.™

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