Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The oil sands region
                                                                                                  will benefit from the
                                                                                                  upcoming start-up
                                                                                                  of Enbridge’s Line 3
                                                                                                  replacement pipeline.

                         shareholders, with any growth coming from  tolls could be effective as of September 15. The
                         small expansions at existing assets. Meanwhile,  pipeline is then expected to be brought into ser-
                         Suncor Energy has said it would be prioritising  vice sometime in the fourth quarter of this year.
                         value over volume until 2025. And even CNRL’s   The replacement will roughly double the
                         planned rise in spending is comparatively mod-  capacity on Line 3 from 370,000 barrels per
                         est. Nonetheless, it does appear that the com-  day to 760,000 bpd. And its start-up will be
                         pany is among those trying to take advantage of  followed by the launch of the Canadian gov-
                         a better operating environment, however long  ernment-owned Trans Mountain expansion,
                         it lasts for.                        targeted for December 2022. That project will
                                                              result in capacity on the Trans Mountain system
                         Takeaway boost                       almost tripling from 300,000 bpd to 890,000
                         The oil sands are set to receive a further boost  bpd.
                         as Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement pipeline   Building major new pipelines has become
                         approaches start-up later this year, significantly  increasingly challenging owing to local, political   Building major
                         raising takeaway capacity from the region for the  and environmental opposition, as well as com-
                         first time in years.                 plicated regulatory approval processes. Indeed,   new pipelines
                           The project has experienced various delays,  the third large pipeline project planned for the   has become
                         regulatory hurdles and legal challenges, but has  carrying oil sands crude, Keystone XL, met its
                         now reached its final stages prior to start-up. It  demise earlier this year after US President Joe   increasingly
                         received further good news this week when the  Biden revoked its cross-border permit immedi-
                         Minnesota Supreme Court declined to hear an  ately upon taking office.      challenging
                         appeal by opponents of the pipeline, allowing   Thus for the oil sands, seeing two out of three
                         for the project’s approval in the state to stand.  major pipeline projects reaching completion   owing to local,
                         This leaves the Line 3 replacement’s opponents  in the near future will mark a significant mile-  political and
                         with dwindling options, even though they are  stone. And even though leading producers have
                         expected to keep trying to halt the project right  turned away from large new oil sands projects   environmental
                         to the point of its entry into service.  and are focusing instead on smaller expan-
                           Enbridge, for its part, is preparing to start up  sions of existing facilities, the significant boost   opposition.
                         the pipeline. The company confirmed last week  in takeaway capacity gives them further room
                         that it had filed procedural regulatory docu-  to grow. They may be proceeding with relative
                         ments with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER)  caution in the face of uncertainties related to
                         and the US Federal Energy Regulatory Com-  the energy transition, Canada’s carbon tax and
                         mission (FERC) to allow for tolling surcharges  growing pushback from the public and inves-
                         on the Line 3 pipeline to take effect within 30-60  tors, but it will not be surprising if they want to
                         days. Enbridge told the Financial Post that the  ramp up output in the nearer term.™

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