Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US House approves framework of

       $3.5 trillion budget resolution

        US               THE US House of Representatives has voted  renewable energy that Biden is promising.
                         220-212 along party lines for a Democrat-led   The votes are important because moderate
                         $3.5 trillion budget resolution that is sure to  Democrats were refusing to support the $3.5
                         include significant elements to bolster renewable  trillion budget bill unless it was decoupled from
                         energy. The vote took place on August 24.  the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill. House
                           Democrats are expected to debate the details  Speaker Nancy Pelosi had previously vowed they
                         of the resolution over the next few months. This  must be linked, but she relented in the face of los-
                         Biden, or reconciliation, bill may include exten-  ing key votes.
                         sions of tax credits for wind, solar and tax credits   American Clean Power Association CEO   Moderate
                         for clean hydrogen. It is also expected to include  Heather Zichal said of the votes: “Action by the
                         a clean energy and efficiency portfolio standard,  House of Representatives has moved the coun-  Democrats
                         which will require utilities to buy increasing  try closer to achieving a once-in-a-generation
                         amounts of clean energy, probably including  opportunity to invest in the future of our country  were refusing to
                         wind, solar, hydro and nuclear.      and advance policies that put the US on a path to
                           Republican backing is not anticipated to be  a clean energy future.     support the $3.5
                         needed, and by making the bill a budget reso-  The $3.5 trillion bill is indeed sure to advance   trillion budget
                         lution, Democrats can advance the legislation  the fight against climate change.
                         without any Republican support. Democrats   Earlier in August, more than 180 House   bill unless it
                         have a slim majority in the House. It is unclear  Democrats called for the $3.5 trillion budget bill
                         how an energy portfolio standard can be imple-  to include: long-term extensions and expansions   was decoupled
                         mented as a tax proposal, but perhaps tax cred-  to the Production Tax Credit and Investment
                         its can be offered to utilities that comply, say  Tax Credit for wind and solar to meet President   from the smaller
                         experts.                             Biden’s goal of a carbon pollution-free power   bipartisan
                           On August 24, the House also voted to  sector by 2035; extension and modernisation
                         advance a Senate-approved $1.2 trillion bipar-  of tax incentives for commercial and residential   infrastructure
                         tisan infrastructure bill that includes $73bn  energy efficiency improvements and residential
                         for improving the grid. Party leaders pledged  electrification; and extensions and modifications   bill.
                         to vote on the bipartisan bill by September 27,  of incentives for clean transportation options
                         appeasing moderate Democrats. America’s elec-  and alternative fuel infrastructure; and support
                         tricity grid is ancient and balkanised and needs  of domestic clean energy, energy efficiency and
                         vast improvement to support the roll-out of  clean transportation manufacturing.™

       Week 34   26•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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