Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       EPA to propose lower

       biofuel mandate levels

        US               THE US Environmental Protection Agency  mandates might be lower. Renewable fuel (D6)
                         (EPA) is expected to propose to President Joe  credits traded at $1.42 August 20, down from
                         Biden’s that America’s biofuel blending mandates  $1.50 in the previous session, Reuters reported.
                         should be lowered to below this year’s levels, two  A few days earlier, credits were trading above
                         sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.  $1.60, said the news wire.
                           Such a move would be a blow to the biofuel   The US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)
                         industry, based in the US Midwest where maize  requires oil refiners to blend biofuel into gaso-  The Biden
                         is grown, already rocked by Biden’s recent goal  line and diesel, or buy RINs. Refiners can get an
                         that half of all new vehicles sold in the US by  exemption if they successfully argue that they   administration’s
                         2030 should be electric in order to meet decar-  would be damaged financially if they are forced
                         bonisation goals. The biofuel industry says  to blend or buy credits. The RFS was adopted in   energy and
                         that biofuels are ready now to produce cheap  2005.
                         low-emissions fuel.                    In July, several US Senators from farming  climate agenda
                           EPA’s mandate would be a minefield. US bio-  states such as Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska wrote   lacks meaningful
                         fuel mandates are politically tricky for any pres-  to Biden requesting a meeting with him and rep-
                         ident, pitting powerful oil refiners – who must  resentatives of his cabinet to discuss the RFS and   consideration of
                         blend biofuel into their gasoline – with the agri-  promote biofuels as what they said is a key solu-
                         culture industry, which also has political clout.  tion for America’s energy and climate agenda.  biofuels.
                           At issue is that biofuel production has dipped   The Biden administration’s energy and cli-
                         during the pandemic, and the EPA is looking to  mate agenda lacks meaningful consideration of
                         take that into account, said Reuters.  biofuels, which contribute significantly to emis-
                           Mandates for 2021 have already been delayed  sions reductions and energy security and serve
                         by more than six months because of coronavirus  as an important market driver for farmers, they
                         (COVID-19) and the Biden administration is  said.
                         expected to release proposals for 2021 and 2022   “Unfortunately, the promise of home-grown
                         concurrently, it said.               biofuels and our agriculture sector appear to be
                           Tradeable credits, which refiners can buy  woefully underrepresented in your administra-
                         instead of blending in biofuel, known as RINs,  tion’s energy, environmental and transportation
                         have dropped in recent days because anticipated  agenda,” they wrote.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2021
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