Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Growth amid uncertainty

       for the oil sands

       Oil sands production has reached an all-time record high and is

       set to grow further still, but the picture is far more uncertain in

       the longer term

        ALBERTA          PRODUCTION in Alberta – home to the oil  over the long term. Indeed, some producers are
                         sands – is on the up again after taking a hit fol-  hoping to raise their output further still during
       WHAT:             lowing the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19)  the second half of this year, even as others focus
       Alberta’s oil sands   pandemic. Indeed, the province’s output reached  on remaining disciplined regardless of market
       production has reached   an all-time record high of 3.53mn barrels per day  conditions.
       new highs.        (bpd) on average in the first half of 2021. This   Oil sands giant Canadian Natural Resources
                         marked a 5.7% increase on the same period of  Ltd (CNRL) said it was stepping up its capex
       WHY:              2020, and a 1.8% increase on the first half of  owing to an increasingly positive outlook for
       Stronger oil prices and   2019.                        commodity prices. The company expects its
       demand have helped   In the short term, the outlook for the region  total production for 2021 to come in above the
       producers to bounce   remains relatively bright, despite further poten-  mid-point of its previous guidance, reaching
       back from the first wave   tial volatility related to the pandemic. Oil prices  1.22-1.27mn barrels of oil equivalent per day
       of the pandemic.  have dropped back somewhat from their peak a  (boepd), while its gas output exceeds the top
                         month ago, but not the levels seen throughout  end of its previous guidance range.
       WHAT NEXT:        2020, as well as in early 2021. On top of this, the   CNRL said in its second-quarter earnings
       While output will be   region is set to receive an imminent boost from  release that it was raising its capital budget for
       boosted further by new   the start-up of the Line 3 replacement pipeline.  2021 by CAD275mn ($217mn) to roughly
       takeaway capacity in the   In the longer term, though, the oil sands’  CAD3.48bn ($2.74bn).
       short term, the oil sands’   future remains highly uncertain as producers   This comes as other leading oil sands pro-
       future is highly uncertain.  come under greater pressure to decarbonise, as  ducers are proceeding with caution, following
                         does Canada as a whole.              the hits their businesses took owing to a cycle
                                                              of industry downturns, as well as the pandemic
                         Production push                      and growing environmental opposition to their
                         It is possible that oil sands players are trying to  operations.
                         make the most of conditions being relatively   Indeed, Cenovus Energy has said it would
                         favourable, as they know it will likely not last  prioritise eliminating debt and paying back

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2021
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