Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Suncor, Cenovus to ramp

       up spending in 2022

       Oil sands producers Suncor Energy and Cenovus Energy anticipate

       increases in capital spending and production in 2022

        CANADA           CANADIAN oil sands giants Suncor Energy  which addresses planned maintenance and tail-
                         and Cenovus Energy have both said that they  ings optimisations,” Suncor stated. “The remain-
       WHAT:             intend to raise their capital expenditure and  ing 2022 capital programme is allocated towards
       Suncor and Cenovus have   production in 2022.          the CAD2.1bn [$1.6] free funds flow growth ini-
       both unveiled guidance   The moves appear to be a bet that oil prices  tiatives, including the base plant cogeneration
       that shows higher   will continue to recover from last year’s lows, to  and Forty Mile power project, Terra Nova asset
       spending and output in   which they crashed following the onset of the  life extension and in situ well pads.”
       2022.             coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Prices   The company anticipates producing 750,000-
                         have strengthened considerably since then and  790,0000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
       WHY:              West Texas Intermediate (WTI) is currently  (boepd) in 2022, up by about 5% from its pro-
       The companies are   trading at around $70 per barrel.  jected output in 2021 levels. The increase will be
       betting on oil prices   This relative oil price strength has been a  supported by the ramp up of the Fort Hills oil
       remaining comparatively   boon to producers, including in the oil sands.  sands mining project to full rates.
       strong.           While operators there are holding back from   Fort Hills has been operating below capac-
                         the major investments required to develop new  ity owing to slope stability issues on the south
       WHAT NEXT:        projects, they have been ramping up production  side of the mine that were identified earlier this
       Oil sands producers will   from existing assets and oil sands output is close  year. Suncor and its partners had taken one train
       increasingly need to   to record levels at 5mn barrels per day (bpd).  at Fort Hills offline following the onset of the
       balance future growth                                  pandemic, returning it to service at the end of
       with pursuit of their   Suncor’s spending              2020 as demand picked up. However, the slope
       decarbonisation goals.  Suncor said this week that it anticipates spend-  stability issues have prevented the train from
                         ing CAD4.7bn ($3.7bn) in 2022, up from fore-  operating at full capacity. In July, Suncor cut
                         cast capex of CAD3.8-4.5bn ($3.0-3.5bn) this  its 2021 production guidance for Fort Hills to
                         year. It added that its 2022 capex guidance was  45,000-55,000 bpd.
                         CAD300mn ($233mn) below its planned corpo-  The company said this week that the improved
                         rate capital ceiling, which it attributed to efficien-  outlook for Fort Hills’ performance in 2022 rep-
                         cies across its business.            resents a two-train operation over the course of
                           “This capital programme is largely focused on  the year, and an anticipated utilisation rate of
                         sustaining capital (CAD3.2-3.4bn [$2.5-2.6bn])  90%. Suncor also expects Fort Hill’s operating

                                                                                                  Suncor’s 2022
                                                                                                  production growth will
                                                                                                  be supported by the
                                                                                                  Fort Hills mine returning
                                                                                                  to full capacity.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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