Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       US oil pipelines flowing

       at around half capacity

        US               AROUND half of the US’ oil pipeline capac-  however, with pipeline operators seeking to raise
                         ity is currently unused, as production remains  them again as production keeps rising.
                         below pre-pandemic levels, despite rebounding   According to Saxton, the pipeline with the
                         over the course of 2021. This follows a spree in  highest utilisation rate in the Permian currently
                         pipeline construction between 2017 and 2020,  is Phillips 66’s Gray Oak, at around 94%. The
                         especially in the Permian Basin, where output  uncommitted tariff rate to ship on Gray Oak is
                         was booming over that period.        about $2.97 per barrel, he said, compared with
                           Consultancy Wood Mackenzie has estimated  the more than $4.00 per barrel on Magellan Mid-
                         that US pipeline capacity utilisation is at around  stream Partners’ BridgeTex pipeline, which also
                         50%, down from around 60-70% two years ago.  serves the Permian. The utilisation rate on the
                         The country’s production in early 2020 was  BridgeTex is at around 70%.
                         around 13mn barrels per day of oil in early 2020,   These figures illustrate how shippers are
                         but over the course of 2021, it has averaged 11mn  flocking to pipelines offering lower rates if they   The reduced rates
                         bpd.                                 have multiple takeaway capacity options to
                           The trend is not surprising as pipeline opera-  choose from.            are not expected
                         tors frequently build more capacity than needed   The high utilisation rate has allowed Phillips
                         during periods of booming production, and are  66 to more than offset reduced revenues from  to last, however,
                         then left with spare capacity during downturns.  offering a lower rate. In the third quarter of this
                         This has been exacerbated by the coronavirus  year, the company’s midstream transportation   with pipeline
                         (COVID-19) pandemic, which caused produc-  pre-tax income rose by $30mn compared with   operators
                         ers to rapidly scale back activity. Now, even with  the second quarter. This was attributed in part
                         stronger oil prices and demand, producers are  to Gray Oak, which is one of the largest pipe-  seeking to raise
                         continuing to practise restraint rather than pur-  lines in the Permian, with a capacity of 900,000
                         suing aggressive growth.             bpd.                                  them again as
                           As operators have struggled to fill their pipe-  Meanwhile, Magellan reported a drop in
                         lines, competition to attract remaining volumes  uncommitted shipments on the BridgeTex pipe-  production keeps
                         has intensified. Some have responded by reduc-  line, which contributed to a 5% year-on-year   rising.
                         ing shipping rates. Reuters cited Wood Macken-  decline in volumes in the third quarter and a
                         zie’s head of oil data, Ryan Saxton, as saying that  decrease in revenue from crude transportation
                         overbuilt regions such as the Permian generally  and terminals.
                         have lower uncommitted shipping rates than   Last week, Magellan said it was exploring
                         they did before the pandemic. Meanwhile, in  alternative uses for its Longhorn pipeline, which
                         basins with less pipeline capacity, operators have  also serves the Permian, owing to “extremely
                         managed to raise rates, according to Saxton.  low” margins from on spot shipments out of the
                           The reduced rates are not expected to last,  basin. (See NorthAmOil Week 49)™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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