Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       USGS updates Williston

       Basin reserve estimates

        WILLISTON        THE US Geological Survey (USGS) has released   “This assessment is the latest in a long line of
        BASIN            an updated estimate of oil and gas reserves in  work we’ve conducted in the Williston Basin,”
                         the Williston Basin, which spans Montana and  said Ryker. “The Williston Basin has, in many
                         North Dakota. The last assessment of the basin  ways, mirrored our broader energy work. What
                         was carried out in 2013, and the agency noted  began with assessments of potential energy
                         that over 11,000 wells have been drilled in the  resources has grown to encompass both energy
                         Williston since then, resulting both in more  and water production, infrastructure and
                         production and in a better understanding of the  impacts, demonstrating the importance of both
                         basin’s resources.                   to the regional and national economies.”
                           The new assessment focuses on areas where   Citing IHS Markit data, the USGS noted that
                         less drilling has occurred, and where less is  more than 6,400 wells drilled since 2013 had
                         known about the potential resources, the USGS  targeted the Bakken, while around 4,100 wells
                         said. The agency has estimated that the Willis-  had targeted the deeper Three Forks formation.   The reduced 2021
                         ton’s Bakken and Three Forks formations now  In total, IHS Markit estimates that more than
                         hold a combined 4.3bn barrels of unconven-  17,500 have been drilled in the Bakken and   estimate points
                         tional oil and 4.9 trillion cubic feet (138.8bn  Three Forks to date, including prior to 2013.
                         cubic metres) of unconventional natural gas in  Roughly 4bn barrels of tight oil have been pro-  to how much
                         undiscovered resources.              duced from these wells.
                           “The USGS assessment is of undiscovered   The new assessment was released days after   of the region’s
                         resources; in other words, it’s a science-based  the US Energy Information Administration   resources have
                         estimate of what may be discovered in the basin  (EIA) published its latest monthly Drilling Pro-
                         in the future,” said the USGS’ associate director  ductivity Report (DPR), which forecasts short-  been discovered
                         for energy and minerals, Sarah Ryker. “It’s dif-  term production trends in the US’ main shale
                         ferent from – and complementary to – industry  regions. The EIA predicted that Bakken produc-  and developed
                         production numbers, which focus on the known  tion would rise from 1.146mn barrels per day
                         or discovered resource. Our research focuses on  in December to 1.154mn bpd in January. While   since that last
                         areas of uncertainty.”               the increase is modest at 8,000 bpd month on   assessment.
                           In 2013, the USGS had estimated that the  month, only two other shale regions – the Per-
                         Bakken and Three Forks contained a mean of  mian Basin and the Eagle Ford shale – are pro-
                         7.4bn barrels of oil and 6.7 tcf (189.7 bcm) of  jected to see larger increases.
                         gas on an undiscovered, technically recover-  Bakken production continues to lag pre-pan-
                         able basis. The reduced 2021 estimate points  demic levels, though, and as the play is maturing
                         to how much of the region’s resources have  compared with other unconventional regions,
                         been discovered and developed since that last  there is growing speculation that it will not
                         assessment.                          return to peak rates again.™

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