Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       approximately $5.6bn in available cash   Kinder Morgan, today filed with the Federal   this service is expected to be available in the
       through 2023 and over $10bn through 2026   Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a   first quarter of 2022.
       we have ample flexibility to achieve both   proposal to implement a responsibly sourced   “We are pleased that TGP is the first
       our debt reduction goals and execute capital   natural gas (RSG) supply aggregation pooling   pipeline system to offer this RSG supply
       return initiatives in any price environment.   service at select locations across the TGP   aggregation pooling service,” said TGP’s vice
       We are excited to announce the next step in   system.                    president of commercial Ernesto Ochoa.
       our evolution as we establish the groundwork   RSG is third-party certified natural gas   “We believe this lower methane intensity
       for a long-term capital returns program to   that meets certain environmental, social and   fuel is an essential component of the energy
       maximise shareholder value creation.”  governance standards, particularly related to   transition, and TGP is uniquely positioned
       EQT, December 13, 2021              methane emission reductions. The proposed   to be the transporter of choice because of its
                                           service is designed to enable suppliers and   connectivity to key basins and end-users. We
                                           customers on TGP to purchase and sell RSG   are excited to continue to work with current
       ENERGY TRANSITION                   supply at non-physical trading locations,   and future customers to encourage the
                                           ultimately serving end-users, utilities, power   delivery of RSG supply into our systems and
       Tennessee Gas Pipeline              plants and LNG facilities connected to the   pursue new ways to facilitate the availability of
                                                                                these molecules to the market.”
                                           TGP system.
       announces new responsibly           RSG certifications from qualified third-party   TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE, December 15,
                                              Producers who have already obtained
       sourced natural gas supply          organisations are anticipated to supply the
                                           RSG needed for the proposed pooling service,
       aggregation pooling service         and the supply is expected to grow as RSG
                                           becomes the fuel of choice among customers.
       Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP), a subsidiary of   Pending regulatory approval from the FERC,

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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