Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil


                                                                                Marathon Petroleum,

                                                                                ADM announce closing of
                                                                                feedstock partnership

                                                                                Marathon Petroleum today announced the
                                                                                closing of their joint venture to produce
                                                                                soybean oil to supply the rapidly growing
                                                                                demand for renewable diesel fuel. The joint
       pursue commercial discussions with current   potential expansion of the partnership’s   venture, which is named Green Bison Soy
       and potential producer and refiner customers   refined petroleum products pipeline system   Processing, will own and operate a soybean
       to secure additional long-term agreements to   from Kansas to Colorado. Significant interest   processing complex in Spiritwood, North
       support future expansions at both the DRU   has been expressed from potential shippers,   Dakota, with ADM owning 75% of the joint
       and the PAT.                        and the extension provides interested   venture and MPC owning 25%, as previously
         USD’s patented DRU technology separates   customers additional time to finalise   announced in August.
       the diluent that has been added to the   commitments. Binding commitments are now   Expected to be complete in 2023, the
       raw bitumen in the production process,   due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on December   $350mn Spiritwood facility will source
       which meets two important market needs.   22.                            and process local soybeans and supply the
       It creates DRUbit™, a proprietary heavy   The approximately 450-mile pipeline   resulting soybean oil exclusively to MPC. The
       Canadian crude oil or bitumen that ships   currently transports various grades of   Spiritwood complex is expected to produce
       by rail and does not meet any of the defined   gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel from El   approximately 600mn pounds of refined
       categories of hazardous materials by US DOT   Dorado, Kansas to Denver, Colorado.   soybean oil annually, enough feedstock for
       Hazardous Materials regulations and Canada’s   Magellan’s pipeline network is capable of   approximately 75mn gallons of renewable
       Transport of Dangerous Goods regulations,   further distributing these essential fuels   diesel per year.
       creating safety and environmental benefits.   safely and efficiently to key markets within   MARATHON PETROLEUM, December 14, 2021
       Additionally, it returns the recovered diluent   Colorado, including Colorado Springs, the
       to ConocoPhillips at HET for reuse in the   greater Denver metropolitan area as well as
       Western Canadian market, which reduces   the Denver International Airport.  MOVES
       delivered costs for diluent. The DBR network   Expansion of the pipeline would provide
       provides meaningful safety, economic   the Colorado market additional access to   EQT announces $1bn share
       and environmental benefits relative to   refined products from Midcontinent and
       conventional crude by rail.         Gulf Coast refineries via Magellan’s extensive   repurchase programme,
         The DRU at HET is operating at or above   pipeline system.
       its nameplate capacity of 50,000 barrels   The capital-efficient expansion would   reinstatement of regular
       per day of inlet bitumen blend, which the   increase the pipeline’s capacity by an estimated
       DRU separates into DRUbit™ and diluent.   5,000 barrels per day (bpd), to a new total   dividend, and updated long-
       Transporting DRUbit™ by Rail™ is projected to   capacity of approximately 65,000 bpd. The
       reduce carbon emissions nearly 20% relative   higher capacity could be available by late   term leverage target
       to dilbit by rail alternatives and approximately   2022 following the addition of incremental
       30% compared to dilbit by pipeline   pumping capabilities.               EQT today announced that its Board of
       alternatives.                       MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, December   Directors approved a $1.0bn share repurchase
       US DEVELOPMENT GROUP AND GIBSON     15, 2021                             program and has determined to reinstate its
       ENERGY, December 14, 2021                                                regular dividend starting in the first quarter
                                                                                2022. The company also announced an
       Magellan Midstream                  Pony Express pipeline                updated long-term leverage target.
                                           announces open season for
                                                                                  President and CEO Toby Rice stated:
       extends open season                 transportation to Augusta            “Since joining EQT in July 2019, our team
                                                                                has eliminated approximately $500mn of
       for potential Kansas-to-            Tallgrass Pony Express Pipeline, operated by   recurring annual costs from the business,
                                                                                repaired the balance sheet, and repositioned
       Colorado refined products           Tallgrass, today announced a binding open   EQT as a highly-efficient, technology-driven
                                           season soliciting shipper commitments for
                                                                                operator and the leading producer of natural
       pipeline expansion to               crude oil transportation from Pony Express’   gas in North America. We have entered the
                                                                                next phase of the sustainable shale era – one
                                           Guernsey and Sterling origins to its Augusta
       December 22                         destination, located in Butler County, Kan., in   that values free cash flow generation, balance
                                           exchange for incentive tariff rates.
                                                                                sheet strength, emissions reduction and
       Magellan Midstream Partners announced   TALLGRASS PONY EXPRESS PIPELINE,   returning capital to shareholders. Now, we
       today the extension of its open season   December 15, 2021               are executing on all four of these pillars. With
       to solicit customer commitments for the                                  a premier asset base projected to generate

       Week 50   16•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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