Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 50 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            president and CEO highlighted: “The   a closing share price of $9.98 on December
                                           acquisition further establishes Tamarack as   15, 2021. The effective date of the Chisholm
       Tamarack Valley Energy              a leading operator in the highly economic   Acquisition will be November 1, 2021, with
                                           Clearwater oil play. Acquiring high quality
                                                                                closing anticipated in the first quarter of
       announces strategic                 assets with significant free funds flow(1)   2022. The cash portion of consideration is
                                           where we can leverage our operational
                                                                                expected to be funded with cash on hand
       Clearwater consolidation            and technical expertise is a core principle   and borrowings under the Company’s senior
                                                                                secured revolving credit facility. Earthstone
                                           of Tamarack’s returns focused strategy. In
       through the acquisition of          addition, Tamarack’s transition to the SLL   has obtained commitments from a group of
                                           facility demonstrates our commitment to
                                                                                existing lenders to increase the borrowing
       Crestwynd Exploration and           responsible development.”            base and elected commitments under its
                                                                                Credit Facility from $650mn to $825mn upon
                                           TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, December 15,
       transition to sustainability        2021                                 closing.
                                                                                EARTHSTONE ENERGY, December 16, 2021
       linked lending                      Earthstone Energy
       Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to   announces Northern                MIDSTREAM
       announce that it has entered into a definitive
       agreement to acquire Crestwynd Exploration,   Delaware Basin asset       Gibson Energy and US
       a privately held pure play Clearwater
       oil producer, for total consideration of   acquisition for ~$604mn       Development Group declare
       CAD184.7mn. The consideration consists of:
       (i) CAD92.6mn in cash, subject to adjustment;  Earthstone Energy today announced that   the DRU Fully Operational,
       and (ii) the issuance of 26,298,396 common   it has entered into an agreement to acquire
       shares of Tamarack at a deemed price of   the assets of privately held Chisholm Energy   including shipment
       CAD3.50 per Tamarack share.         Holdings, located in the northern Delaware
         Tamarack’s syndicate has provided   Basin of New Mexico. Chisholm is majority   of DRUbit™ By Rail™,
       an extension of the Company’s existing   owned by Warburg Pincus and its affiliates.
       CAD600mn revolving credit facility to   The aggregate purchase price of the   providing an innovative,
       December 2023 and transitioned the facility   Chisholm Acquisition is approximately
       to a sustainability linked lending facility (SLL   $604mn consisting of $340mn in cash   scalable market access
       facility). In conjunction with the Acquisition,   at closing, subject to customary closing
       National Bank Financial as syndicate lead,   adjustments, $70mn of deferred cash due over   solution throughout North
       has provided commitments for a separate and   the 12 months after closing and approximately
       additional CAD100mn credit facility.  19.4mn shares of Earthstone’s Class A   America
         Brian Schmidt (Aakaikkitstaki), Tamarack’s  common stock valued at $194mn based on
                                                                                US Development Group, (through a wholly
                                                                                owned affiliate, collectively USD) and Gibson
                                                                                Energy announced the diluent recovery unit
                                                                                (DRU) has been declared fully operational
                                                                                and the shipment of DRUbit™ by Rail™ (DBR)
                                                                                has commenced. The DBR network creates
                                                                                a first-of-its-kind separation technology and
                                                                                network that safely and sustainably moves
                                                                                heavy Canadian crude oil, also known as
                                                                                bitumen, from Canada to the US Gulf Coast
                                                                                at a cost that is competitive with pipeline
                                                                                  The DRU is located at the Hardisty Energy
                                                                                Terminal (HET) near Hardisty, Alberta and
                                                                                is a 50%/50% joint venture between USD and
                                                                                Gibson. HET is located adjacent to USD’s
                                                                                existing Hardisty Rail Terminal, which is
                                                                                the origination terminal for transloading
                                                                                the DRUbit™ onto railcars for shipment. The
                                                                                current destination terminal for the DRUbit™
                                                                                is the USD-owned and operated Port Arthur
                                                                                Terminal (PAT) in Port Arthur, Texas. The
                                                                                DRUbit™ is owned by ConocoPhillips.
                                                                                This DBR network is highly scalable and
                                                                                is well-positioned for future commercial
                                                                                expansions. USD and Gibson continue to

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2021
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