Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 15

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Flow of Azeri gas to Turkey                                              Muhammetmyrat Amanov, has met with
                                                                                Afghanistan's National Security Council
       from Shah Deniz I field             Turkmenistan gas to                  deputy secretary Ebadullah Ebad to
                                                                                rubberstamp measures to provide security
       ‘stops as 20 year contract  gasoline facility helps land                 for the construction of the 780-kilometre
                                                                                Afghan segment of the pipeline, the
       expires’                            Topsoe multi-billion dollar          Turkmen Foreign Affairs Ministry said.
                                                                                  The set of undisclosed measures is
       The flow of gas from Azerbaijan's offshore   project in Texas            expected to stay in place until August
       Shah Deniz I gas field to Turkey has                                     to provide sufficient security to restart
       reportedly been halted since the 6.6bn cubic   Nacero has selected Topsoe’s TIGAS   the pipeline’s construction – the Afghan
       metres/year (bcm/yr) contract signed in   (Topsoe Improved Gasoline Synthesis)   segment’s construction was last year brought
       2001 expired earlier this month.    technology for its multi-billion dollar   to a halt by the COVID-19 pandemic. War-
         S&P Global Platts quoted a source as   natural-gas-to-gasoline facility in Penwell,   torn Afghanistan’s involvement in TAPI
       saying talks were continuing between   Texas after observing TIGAS in operation   means many analysts see the project as
       Turkey's state gas importer Botas and the   at identical unit scale in Turkmenistan for   highly risky, while progress (or rather lack
       Azerbaijan Gas Supply Company (AGSC),   nearly two years. Nacero cited the Turkmen   of progress) on Turkmenistan’s own segment
       the company representing the Shah Deniz   operation as a major factor in its decision.  of the pipeline has been mostly shrouded in
       consortium, over a possible contract   The Turkmenistan facility is the world’s   mystery. However, the Asian Development
       renewal.                            only operating large-scale natural gas-to-  Bank (ADB) in its “Asian Economic
         However, the source was cited as   gasoline plant. The facility in Texas will   Integration Report 2021” report said that the
       pointing out that with the arrival of milder   produce 100,000 barrels per day of petrol   first phase of TAPI remained on track and
       spring weather, gas demand in Turkey is   component ready for blending into US   was set for a launch in 2021.
       falling, which—coupled with the availability   commercial grades.          The 1,814-kilometre TAPI pipeline
       of other import options such as spot LNG—  TIGAS incorporates Topsoe’s SynCOR   is designed to run from Turkmenistan’s
       means the supply freeze was unlikely to   Methanol technology to achieve economy   Galkynysh gas field to the Indian city
       cause any issues.                   of scale. The plant’s design allows for the   of Fazilka via Herat and Kandahar in
         Two other sources with knowledge of   production of more than 30,000 metric tons   Afghanistan and Quetta and Multan in
       the matter told the media outlet that given   per day (MTPD) of methanol, which is then   Pakistan.
       the very close relations between Turkey and   processed to petrol. The only byproduct of   Construction of the Afghan section
       Azerbaijan, it was likely that the contract   the process is water, which is used to supply   officially began in February 2018, but more
       would be renewed, but that the terms may   the plant’s make-up water.    than three years later no significant progress
       be different from the contract that recently                             has been reported despite some security
       ended.                                                                   assurances from the Taliban. The situation
         Meanwhile, a spokesman for the operator   Turkmenistan agrees          could become even more challenging
       of the TANAP pipeline, which since 2018                                  with the US withdrawal of its troops from
       has transited Azerbaijani gas from the Shah   security measures with     Afghanistan planned for September 11
       Deniz II field to Turkey under a separate
       contract for 6 bcm/yr, reportedly said the   Afghanistan for restarting
       link was operating normally.
         The past two years have seen Ankara   work on TAPI pipeline
       endeavour to shift from reliance on
       importing gas by pipeline under long-term   section
       contracts indexed to the crude oil price. It
       has partly done so by reducing dependence   Turkmenistan’s representative on the
       on imported gas for power generation and   Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-
       by increasingly importing cheap spot LNG.  India (TAPI) pipeline project board,

       Week 17   28•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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