Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 13

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom, Wintershall launch

       new Achimov block

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom and Germany’s Wintershall  Wintershall Dea manages 1A, where production
                         Dea have kicked off gas production at Block 5A  started in 2011 and reached a 10bn cubic metre
       The start-up at 5A   of the Achimov layer of the giant Urengoy gas  per year plateau rate in October 2019. Gazprom
       follows the start-up at   field in Western Siberia.    is on its own at Block 2A, which has been flowing
       4A in January.      Both gas and condensate are now flowing  since 2009 and produces up to 8.4 bcm per year,
                         from the site, which is undergoing commission-  while Block 3A is yet to come on stream.
                         ing, Gazprom announced on April 21. The mile-  Gazprom brought on board Wintershall Dea
                         stone comes three months after the pair started  as a partner at 4A and 5A in 2015 with a 25%
                         producing gas from the adjacent Achimov 4A  interest in each. It estimates that the blocks will
                         block. Gas from the two sites is being pumped  produce more than 14 bcm of gas and 5mn
                         into Gazprom’s transmission system, the com-  tonnes of condensate annually combined by
                         pany said.                           2027. The company has also reached out to Aus-
                           Urengoy is one of Russia’s and the world’s  tria’s OMV to take a stake in the projects, but the
                         largest gas fields, boasting an estimated 11 tril-  pair are yet to close an investment deal.
                         lion cubic metres in reserves. It flowed its first   OMV is more focused on divestments now
                         supplies in the 1970s, although development in  rather than acquisitions, ever since closing its
                         the early decades was concentrated on the field’s  $4.7bn purchase of an extra stake in petrochem-
                         Cenomanian and Valanginian layers, found at  icals giant Borealis last October. The company’s
                         depths of between 1,110 and 3,200 metres.  CEO, Rainer Seele, confirmed in February that
                           Gazprom started developing the deeper  the expiry date for its option to take 25% posi-
                         Achimov layer, some 4,000 metres below the sur-  tions at 4A and 5A had been pushed back three
                         face, a decade ago. It has split Urengoy’s Achimov  years until 2025. With production now under-
                         reservoir into five blocks: 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A and 5A.  way, Gazprom may decide it no longer needs
                           Another Gazprom joint venture with  more partners. ™

       Rosneft wins rights to

       new Sakhalin block

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Rosneft has obtained exploration  major withdrew from that partnership in 2012,
                         rights to a new block on the Sakhalin shelf in the  however.
       The block lies off the   Russian Far East.               Both 2D and 3D seismic surveys have been
       northern tip of Sakhalin   The government has granted the com-  undertaken at Severo-Sakhalinsky, revealing a
       Island.           pany a licence for the Severo-Sakhalinsky  number of small and medium-sized prospects.
                         (North-Sakhalinsky) area, without a state auc-  No wells have been drilled in the area.
                         tion being held. The block lies in the waters of   Rosneft’s largest project in the Far East is
                         the Sakhalin Gulf off the northern tip of Sakha-  Sakhalin-1,  which  comprises  the  Chayvo,
                         lin Island. This is an area far less explored than  Odoptu and Arkutun Dagi fields. It is partnered
                         the Sea of Okhotsk off Sakhalin’s east coast,  there with ExxonMobil and Japanese consor-
                         where the Sakhalin-1, -2 and -3 fields are  tium SODECO. The company’s subsidiary,
                         situated.                            RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, also operates a num-
                           Severo-Sakhalinsky is 25,000 square km in  ber of onshore and offshore, mostly mature fields
                         size and contains an estimated 222.4bn cubic  in the area.
                         metres of gas and over 55mn tonnes (403mn   Rosneft’s latest major exploration campaign
                         barrels) of liquids in inferred resources. It bor-  in the Far East took place in 2016, when it drilled
                         ders the West-Schmidtovsky area, which forms  two wells in the Sea of Okhotsk with Norwegian
                         part of the Sakhalin-5 project, where Rosneft   partner Statoil, now known as Equinor. But both
                         was previously partnered with BP. The UK  were reported as dry. ™

       Week 17   28•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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