Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 11

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       State backs development of

       former Pechora LNG fields

        RUSSIA           TWO gas fields in Russia’s far north previously  newspaper reported in November. They envis-
                         expected to underpin the Pechora LNG project  age producing 2 bcm per year of gas from the
       Alltech had been trying   will now receive state support for producing  two fields, which will be pumped via a new
       to advance Pechora   methanol, the Moscow-based Vedomosti news-  pipeline to the Barents Sea, near the village of
       LNG with Rosneft.  paper reported on April 19.         Indiga some 300 km away. There it will be used
                           Russia’s ministries of Energy and Develop-  to produce some 1.7mn tonnes per year (tpy) of
                         ment of the Russian Far East, as well as author-  methanol.
                         ities in the Nenets region, have approved an   The cost of the project is estimated at
                         action plan for developing the Kumzhinskoye  RUB200bn ($2.7bn). The global methanol mar-
                         and Korovinskoye fields, according to a gov-  ket is currently fairly strong, with prices cur-
                         ernment strategy published on April 19. Exactly  rently at their highest point since the end of 2018
                         how the state will support the projects has not  – $495 per tonne in Europe and $430 per tonne
                         been disclosed, however.             in Asia. The Pechora methanol project would
                           Kumzhinskoye contains 140.2bn cubic  benefit from its close proximity to markets.
                         metres of gas and 1.1mn tonnes of condensate,   Russian production of methanol has been
                         while Korovinskoye holds 46.6 bcm of gas and  steadily rising over the last decade, from less
                         1.1mn tonnes of condensate.          than 3mn tonnes in 2010 to 4.53mn tonnes in
                           In November last year, the fields were owned  2019, although it fell to 4.42mn tonnes in 2020,
                         by the Alltek group of decreased Russian busi-  according to state statistics. Of this volume, some
                         nessman Dmitry Bosov, who died in May 2020.  2.1mn tonnes were exported.
                         They were acquired by Ruskhim Group, 50% of   Alltech had partnered with Rosneft to
                         which is controlled by ex-parliamentary law-  build the LNG terminal. But Rosneft left the
                         maker Vitaly Yuzhilin. A further 25% is held  project in 2019, after concluding that the
                         by Gennady Mirgorodsky and 25% by Dmi-  resource base was too small to support such
                         try Ozersky, according to the SPARK Interfax  a scheme. Alltech and Rosneft had originally
                         database.                            hoped to gain access to two more gas fields
                           The new owners want to build an export-ori-  in the vicinity, but were defeated in a subsoil
                         ented  methanol  plant,  the  Kommersant  auction by Gazprom. ™

       Week 17   28•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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