Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 12

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom eyes franchise deals to

       develop CNG motor fuel market

        RUSSIA           GAZPROM Gazomotornoye Toplivo, a subsid-  (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         iary of Russia’s state-owned Gazprom, plans to   Russia is looking to expand the use of gas
       Gazprom is finalising   open its first franchise-run compressed natural  as a vehicle fuel, in order to monetise more of
       contrats with three   gas (CNG) filling stations this summer, Vedo-  its gas reserves, especially in remote areas, and
       partners for the   mosti reported on April 22 citing sources.  reduce pollution levels in major cities. Gas is also
       facilities.         Gazprom is finalising contracts with three  cheaper compared to gasoline and diesel, with
                         partners for the facilities, which will be opened  its use cutting fuel costs by 45-50%, according to
                         in the regions of Tatarstan and Krasnodar,  Russia’s Independent Fuel Union (IFU).
                         according to the newspaper. The company plans   The government has rolled out a number of
                         to launch at least seven franchise stations by  subsidies over the past year, including cover-
                         the end of the year, including in other areas of  ing most of the cost for motorists of convert-
                         Russia. The franchisees will pay RUB300,000  ing their vehicles to run on gas. A five-year
                         ($4,000) per year to Gazprom to operate under  state programme was launched in 2020 worth
                         its brand, while also transferring 7% of revenues  RUB19.3bn, which will cover 60% of the con-
                         from the facilities.                 version cost, while Gazprom has offered to pay
                           Gazprom confirmed the franchise plan to  a further 30%.
                         Vedomosti without disclosing details. Its Gazo-  The government forecasts that demand for
                         motornoye Toplivo division already runs a net-  CNG and LPG will reach 2.7 bcm per year within
                         work of 294 CNG filling stations, having opened  five years, while the number of gas-fuelled cars
                         130 facilities in the past five years, or just under  on the road will expand to 200,000, compared
                         30 annually. It plans an aggressive expansion in  with 155,000 last year. The number of CNG fill-
                         the next two years, however, adding a further 200  ing stations is anticipated to reach over 1,270.
                         CNG stations. It will offer franchise deals to help   The main thing impeding the sector’s devel-
                         realise this ambition.               opment is a lack of CNG refuelling infrastruc-
                           Russia has a total of around 550 CNG sta-  ture, according to IFU. But interest among
                         tions in operation, including 200 that are owned  private investors is growing, and Gazprom wants
                         by independent operators. Consumption of  to harness that with its franchise plan. Vygon
                         gas as a motor fuel, including both CNG and  Consulting estimates that it costs RUB160mn on
                         liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), increased 10%  average to build a CNG filling station, although
                         last year to 1.1 bcm, despite an overall decline  the state has agreed to cover RUB40mn of the
                         in fuel demand as a result of the coronavirus  expense. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   28•April•2021
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