Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Russian petchems firms Sibur,

       Taif strike merger deal

       The tie-up will create one of the world's top five petrochemical producers

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN companies Sibur and TAIF have   Sibur, the largest petrochemicals producer
                         agreed to merge their petrochemicals businesses  in Eastern Europe, said that TAIF’s sharehold-
       WHAT:             in a deal set to establish one of the world’s top five  ers would receive a 15% interest in PJSC Sibur
       Sibur and Taif have   producers, Sibur announced on April 23.  Holding in return for a controlling interest in
       agreed to merge     Sibur and other Russian companies have  TAIF’s petrochemical and energy assets. There
       their petrochemicals   been building up their petrochemical capaci-  is an option for the remaining stake in TAIF to
       businesses.       ties in recent years, taking advantage of Russia’s  be bought by the combined company at a later
                         abundant and low-cost oil and gas feedstock  stage.
       WHY:              supply. But the markets for many petrochemi-  Sibur has been investing heavily into expand-
       The move will make them   cal products have been bearish in recent years,  ing its production base and moving up the value
       more competitive through   owing to rising demand and a slowdown in  chain. Last year its ZapSibNeftekhim petro-
       synergies and greater   demand growth in key markets.  chemical complex (ZapSib) came online as pro-
       clout.              “This combination will make the new com-  filed by bne IntelliNews in “Plastics in the snow.”
                         pany’s petrochemical operations more compet-  It also closed a $11bn joint venture deal to build
       WHAT NEXT:        itive in the global market, improve its resilience  Amur Gas Chemical plant with China’s Sinopec.
       Sibur has said it will not   to market fluctuations, and also unlock further   The transaction is subject to standard corpo-
       go ahead with its IPO   growth potential of Russia’s petrochemical  rate procedures and regulatory approvals, but
       until the deal is closed.  industry,” Sibur and TAIF said in statements.  could be closed by the end of the year, Sibur CEO
                           TAIF, which owns the Nizhnekamskneft-  Dmitry Konov said. Sibur expects to consolidate
                         ekhim oil refining and petrochemicals complex  the remaining share in Taif within a few years, he
                         in Tatarstan among other assets, said the deal  said, without disclosing the deal’s value.
                         would help it move ahead with key projects.   “Creating a larger and more diversified com-
                         The company is looking to invest more than  pany, is timely as the global competition is harsh
                         RUB1.5 trillion ($20bn) in expansion over the  and will get harsher,” Konov told the Financial
                         next decade.                         Times (FT). “Synergy is a big part of this deal. We

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