Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         to 80% of its gas as late as 1970.                                       Sergiy Makogon, CEO of
                           Since then, Europe has diversified its energy                          GTSOU.
                         supplies, as following the collapse of the Soviet
                         Union demand has risen, but there have been
                         rising concerns about Europe’s dependence on
                         Russian gas following several “gas wars” in the
                         noughties where the EU found its gas supplies
                         briefly cut in depths of winter.
                           Today the GTSO manages hundreds of kilo-
                         metres of pipelines that transit Russian gas on
                         its way to European clients. There are four main
                         pipelines that can carry 146bn cubic metres of
                         gas a year, the equivalent of between two thirds
                         and three quarters of all of Europe’s imports of
                         Russian gas.
                           However, since relations with Russia soured
                         following the 2014 annexation of Crimea the
                         amount of Russian transit gas has fallen dra-
                         matically. Under the terms of a new transit deal
                         signed at the last minute in December 2019 Rus-
                         sia was contracted to send at least 40 bcm of gas
                         via Ukraine, but due to the cold winter actually  the top tier of the Ukrainian government as well
                         sent 55 bcm. And going forward it is contracted  as Russian officials and the leaders of Gazprom.
                         to send 35 bcm in the next two years on a take-  Those scams have been closed down many years
                         or-pay basis.                        ago, but the sector still suffers from some of these
                           The unbundling of the gas business has cre-  problems. However, the entry of hundreds of
                         ated an open and transparent market for gas that  independent gas traders has been the key to the
                         has at a stroke gone a long way to ending the cor-  success of the reform.
                         ruption and distortions of the business that had   “There are more than 900 companies work-
                         long been a feeding trough for the oligarchs. The  ing on our market. All the big European gas
                         reforms are not finished, but the heavy lifting has  traders are here and 100 companies are involved
                         already been done.                   in importing gas to Ukraine,” says Makogon.
                           “We completely independent from Naftogaz,  “European traders already account for tens of
                         although of course we work closely with them.  billions of cubic metres of gas imports to Ukraine
                         We are certified by all the relevant European  – it's a huge amount.”
                         authorities and 84% compliant with the EU gas   The sheer number of players means that the
                         network codes, so there is still some work to do.  old school corrupt deals are almst impossible to
                         But we are already one of the biggest gas transit  do any more. There are simply too many players
                         companies in Europe,” says Makogon.  offering better deals.
                                                                Most of this gas trading is aimed at industrial
                         Energising reforms                   customers, as the retail gas business has not been
                         Ukraine has been quietly restructuring its energy  completely freed but is the focus of the current
                         business to put it on a transparent market-based  round of reforms. Companies now have a wide
                         footing and a lot of progress has already been  choice to potential suppliers and are paying rates
                         made. The power market has also been over-  that are set by an open market.
                         hauled but there have been a lot more problems
                         there, as the government has been struggling to  Retail reforms
                         pay $1bn it owes to the producers of renewable  In August this year a new law will come into
                         energy that have set up in the last few years. But  effect that will open the retail sector up to com-
                         the gas business transformation has gone a lot  petition too. Consumers will be able to choose
                         more smoothly.                       to buy their gas from any supplier they want and
                           The unbundling is complete but the one big  those that can’t afford to pay their utilities bill will
                         piece still missing is a gas market exchange for  get help from the government under the Public
                         trading contracts, says Makogon. “We have an  Services Obligation.
                         exchange, but it is not up to EU standards. How-  “The main goal of the reform is to lower
                         ever, there is already settlement and clearing of  prices for households. At the same time, for
                         deals but more needs to be done.”    those that can’t afford gas there will be subsi-
                           The old system was tightly controlled by a  dies to help so that people can pay as much as
                         few players. Dmytro Firtash is probably the best  they can and the state will help with the rest,’
                         known of the oligarchs who were big players in  says Makogon.
                         the gas business and still controls companies   Paying for gas is a politically sensitive issue.
                         that account for 80% of the delivery of gas to  The Soviets used to supply gas, power and heat-
                         households.                          ing to the entire population for free and many
                           He also set up a string of unnecessary inter-  still regard utilities as something the state should
                         mediate trading companies to handle the tran-  provide and not something they should pay for.
                         sit of gas from Russia to Europe that skimmed  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) insisted
                         billions of dollars off the top to enrich those in  that the heavily subsidised domestic energy

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