Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 17 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Unbundled: the Gas Transmission

       System Operator of Ukraine

       By unbundling production and transport, the country has attracted hundreds of traders that

       compete on a vibrant market that has eliminated corrupt scams and brought prices down

        UKRAINE          UKRAINE gas business reforms have been a  of the production housed in Naftogaz as well
                         huge success. By unbundling the production and  as the creation of the pipeline operator. At the
       Ukrainian energy   transport segments the country has attracted  end of 2019 Gas Transmission System Operator
       reform started in   hundreds of traders that compete on a vibrant  of Ukraine (GTSO), a fully independent state-
       2015 and has led to   market that has largely eliminated the old cor-  owned company under the Ministry of Finance,
       the unbundling of its   rupt scams and brought prices down for the  was created to manage access to the pipelines.
       gas business, creating   consumer.                     At its birth the GTSO, by dint of its existence,
       GTSOU, which is an   The reform has been based on the deceptively  becomes the basis of a vibrant and competitive
       independent company   simple principle of separating the production of  market for gas.
       that owns and runs   gas from its transportation and making the pipe-  “The new gas law brings Ukraine into line
       the country's pipeline   line network accessible to anyone that has gas to  with the EU’s third energy packet. It is an unbun-
       system.           transport at the same price.         dling that mirrors the reforms in the EU,” Sergiy
                           The old system was based on the principles of  Makogon, CEO of GTSO, told bne IntelliNews
                         “who you know” and “how much you are will-  in an exclusive interview. “The GTSO is an
                         ing to pay” that led to chronic corruption and a  independent company and must supply equal
                         distorted market as the oligarchs knew everyone  access to the pipeline network to everyone on
                         and were willing to pay a lot.       the market.”
                           The Ukrainian gas market reform came   And it is massive. The Druzba pipeline sys-
                         to fruition in 2015 with an unbundling that  tem that crosses the country was built in Soviet
                         brought Ukraine’s gas market into line with the  times and even at the height of the Cold War, the
                         EU’s third energy package. The main feature was  Soviet Union continued to be the main supplier
                         an unbundling of the system and a separation  of natural gas to Western Europe, supplying up

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