Page 5 - DAY3 of 5_Neat
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The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that heel punctures for infants
not exceed 2.0mm. Deep penetration into the skin can cause serious injury such as
osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone and bone marrow).
A dried blood sample is often used for a neonate (a baby less than 4 weeks). A DBS should not
be left exposed to direct sunlight, and you should allow it to dry which can take up to 90 minutes
to approximately 4 hours. Always follow manufacturers instructions
Blood cultures are used to detect a pathogenic micro-organism. Testing on blood is used
to identify a blood infection (septicemia/bacteriemia). Some labs prefer to use an
Anaerobic vial (without oxygen) Aerobic vial (with oxygen) to classify the type of
bacteria. Cleanse with chlorhexidine in a spiral motion to ensure sterility.
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