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Sunday, Oct 2 Live Music               Sunday, Oct 9 6:30 PM               Sunday, Oct 16  6:30 PM

                                              The intricate history of a beautiful   A retired and disabled writer
             Cheryl Lockett                   antique violin is traced from its cre-  moves to a remote village in
                                              ation in Cremona, Italy, in 1681,      an effort to regain his strength
                                              where a legendary violin maker         and passion for words. He
                                              (Carlo Cecchi) paints it with his dead
          Cheryl performs at the              wife's blood to keep her memory        soon meets a single mother
        clubhouse as an intimate,             alive, to an auction house in mod-     with three children, and with
                                              ern-day Montreal, where it draws       their help and inspiration he
           up close and personal              the eye of an expert appraiser         rejuvenates his life and work.
                                              (Samuel L. Jackson). Over the years
            music presentation.               between, the violin travels through
                                              four different countries, where it     Stars Morgan Freeman,
            See page 7 for more               has a profound impact on all those     Virgina Madsen and others.
                 Information.                 who own it.                            4.7/5.0 Audience rating
                                              90% of viewers liked this film

                                      Sunday, Oct 23               Sunday, Oct 30            Based on a true story

                                           6:30 PM                 6:30 PM, 2022
                                                                In 1961, Kempton Bunton, a
                                     After the death of his     60-year old taxi driver, stole
                                     father, proud young Jim    Goya's portrait of the Duke
                                     Craig (Tom Burlinson)      of Wellington from the Na-
                                     sets out to become his     tional Gallery in London. It
                                                                was the first (and remains
                                     own man. Taking a job      the only) theft in the Gal-
                                     with horse rancher Har-    lery's history. Kempton sent
                                     rison (Kirk Douglas),      ransom notes saying that he
                                     Craig is treated poorly    would return the painting on
                                                                condition that the govern-
                                     by the more experi-        ment invested more in care
                                     enced cowboys, but         for the elderly -- he had long
                                     wins the heart of the      campaigned for pensioners
                                     rancher's daughter, Jes-   to receive free television.
                                     sica (Sigrid Thornton),    What happened next became
                                                                the stuff of legend. Only 50
         when he helps her break a high-strung colt and later   years later did the full story emerge -- Kempton had spun a
         saves her life. When he's unfairly blamed for the loss of   web of lies. The only truth was that he was a good man, de-
         an expensive horse, Craig fights to restore his honor   termined to change the world and save his marriage -- how
         and prove that he's worthy of Jessica's hand.     88$ of   and why he used the Duke to achieve that is a wonderfully
                                                                uplifting tale.          97% of viewers liked this film
         viewers like this film.
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