Page 8 - October News,2 2022 amber
P. 8

IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS                                         Please, whoever is
                   Medical, Police, Fire. 911                                    putting out chicken
             Amber Lights Security    209-521-0200                                 bones for the
             After Hours Emergency  209-202-1196                                      animals,
            Administration Office      209-529-2526                              PLEASE STOP
                  Newsletter    209-543-4261                                     They can choke to
                                                          death on them

                                        Edward J.            October 4         Terri B.              October 12
                                        Maria V.             October 5         Robert M.             October  13
                                        Terrance L.          October 6         Valerie P.            October  15
                                        Patricia W.          October 6         Mary Ann O.           October 18
                                        Donna B.             October 10        Johnny Bryant         October 23l
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