Page 6 - October News,2 2022 amber
P. 6

Please read the following

            regarding your trash pickup:

        One of the perks we provide here at Amber Lights is the convenient     Mystery at the Amber
        service of picking up your trash from your patio each week and for the       Lights Express
        most part, we do it with pleasure, and are grateful each and every one
        of you chose to make Amber Lights your home.
        First I’d like to apologize for any misunderstanding or failure on my part
        if I wasn’t clear to the management staff or workers to specify rules in
        relation to the trash and which therefore was not translated to you
        properly, and I hope this attempt at clarifying each others’           An Amber Lights resident went one
        expectations will not be taken as a negative in any way, but simply   morning to put a few things in the
        our way to make more pleasurable for our workers the trash ser-    laundry.  As luck would have it,
        vice pickup so that we can continue to provide you with the ser-
        vice you expect.  Additionally, for our workers to remain happy,   his drying process bore a fluffy pillow.
        it’s best if they work in a healthy environment.                       It appears that
                                                                           someone hijacked
        We’re asking this of you starting right away:                      this persons drying
          Tie your can liner so we can just pick up the contents, put out a   time to get some
            fresh liner, and move on.                                      free drying time of
          We don’t want to see your loose food in the can with maggots and   their own.
            flies; please secure/tie the liner.                                Chief Inspector
          We will not tie the liner unless you are physically unable to do so   Jacques Clouseau
            yourself                                                       has been called in to
          When we leave a liner, please place it properly in the can.  I’ve    help solve the mys-
            instructed my staff not to dig down through your trash for the liner.
                                                                           tery of the pillow
            Secure/tie the liner                                           caper. Beware!
          We will not pick up anything left next to or on top  of the can/bag
            itself.  No boxes. No little bags left on the lid.  No dog poop
            bags. If it doesn’t fit in the can/bag and contained within the
            secured liner, it won’t be picked up.
          The can/bag must be clear of any obstructions, furniture, debris,
            decoration etc. that we have to negotiate around in order to get
            the liner out.
          We will not haul any large items to the dumpster area for you.  I
            fact, large items are not allowed in that area in the first place
        Picking up your trash from your patio is gratuitous and we’re doing it to
        be nice and make your living experience easier. Please cooperate with
        us.  We will be there to pick up the trash but if for some reason yours is
        not picked up, please make an assessment as to why; was your liner not
        up and easily accessible?  Did you have loose food in the can where the
        whole can need dumping out into another bag?  Did you leave bags on
        top of the lid or the can itself was not accessible.                       Complete details and
        If you have any suggestions or additional information you want to
        share, please contact us via email:        Entry form is accompanying this
        or call 209-576-0878 x 102                                          newsletter,  Read the rules, fill out
                                                                             the form to enter and put your
        Thank You
                                                                                  creative mind to work.
        Management                                                                Judging on Halloween.
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