Page 4 - November Newsletter, 2022
P. 4

Join us for our Wednesday evening discovery series and learn about the world...things we were never taught in
         school because they had not yet been discovered.  Over the past several decades, some amazing discoveries
         have been made about our ancient world.  Often we have discussions after the films and sometimes we have
         delicious snacks.  We are never to old to learn new things.
         This month we join Bettany
         Hughes on a month long adventure
         from the mouth of the nile to the
         Egyptian Border with Sudan to its

         Bettany Hughes was born in 1968
         in Oxford, England, UK. She is a     Episode 1,  Nov 2, 6:30   44 m.      Episode 2,  Nov 9, 6:30    44 m.
         writer and producer, known           Bettany takes us to Egypt’s          A hundred miles south of Cairo,
         for Ancient Discover-                gateway to the world, the Nile’s     Bettany starts on a stretch of
         ies (2003), Ultimate Treasure        mouth, before boarding  her          Nile that few visitors ever get to
         Countdown (2020) and Warrior         fabulous ‘dahabiya’ (boat) and       see.  Once Egypt’s main highway
         Women with Lupita                    meeting the crew that will guide     where Cleopatra travel and be
         Nyong'o  (2019).                     her upriver the entire length of     seen by her people.
         Then we learn about Jerusalem.       the Egypt.

         Episode 3,  Nov 16,  6:30   44 m.    Episode 4, Nov 23,  6:30   44 m.    Jerusalem, Nov 30,  6:30   44 m.

         Traffic on the Nile is building,     Bettany reaches the Egyptian        ‘Jerusalem’ takes audiences on
         Signaling Bettany’s arrival into     Nile’s southernmost parts.  Once    an inspiring and eye-opening
         Luxon. The crew takes a well         a dangerous crocodile haven,        tour of one of the world’s oldest
         earned break whilst Bettany          now this stretch of the nile is just   and most enigmatic cities.  De-
         heads to the west bank to see        startlingly beautiful.              stroyed and rebuilt counltss
         where generations of skilled                                             times of 5,000 years.  Jerusalem’s
         Royal tomb builders lived.                                               enduring appeal is a mystery.
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