Page 31 - HOTEL F.O MODULES - prep
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22. Amenity: Complimentary item or service provided by the hotel for guests or
groups. (Ex: Toiletries)
23. Average Published Rate (APR): A rate taken by averaging all types of hotel
rooms throughout the year according to high or low season.
24. Bed Tax: An added price to a hotel room imposed by the city or country
based on where the hotel is located.
25. BKG: Acronym for booking
26. CRS: Acronym for central reservation system
27. C&I: Conference and Incentive bookings.
28. Convention Services Manager (CSM): Individual at hotel who oversees
event operations
29. Confidential Tariff: Discounted prices solely quoted to wholesalers, tour
operators, and travel agents (unavailable for public use).
30. CPOR (Cost per occupied room): Formula that calculates the average cost
of occupied rooms. Used as a KPI to monitor operating costs.
31. CRM (Guest Relationship Management): System used to track Guest
information and leads for a business.
32. Cut-Off Date: Date at which all unused guest rooms in a room block will be
released to the public
33. Day Guests: Guests who arrive and depart the same day.
34. Décor: Lighting, table sets, props, and other elements used to create an
aesthetic theme for an event.
35. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival.
36. ETD: Estimated Time of Departure.
37. Familizartion Tours (FAM): Organized trips for members of the travel trade
to familiarize them with tourism destinations.
38. Full Board: A rate that includes a bed and covers all standard meals.
39. Gala Dinner: Social function that generally includes speakers or performers.
40. Global Distribution System (GDS): A computer software company that
provides travel agencies with hardware for airplane, hotel, and car
41. Gross Operating Profit (GOP): The result of the hotel’s gross operating
revenue, minus gross operating expenses.
42. Half-Board: A rate that includes a bed, breakfast, and a choice of lunch or
43. Half-Pension: Similar to a half-board, however secondary meal is dinner.
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