Page 2 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge April 2019
P. 2

investing in retirement
                            YOUR MONEY

                                             INVESTORS IN OR NEARING

         LAKEWOOD                               RETIREMENT SHOULD PAY


            Allison Van Wig     by Janet Kidd Stewart                                                                “The most important thing you can do is have
            CA DRE #00985700                                                       “The most                       long-term investment parameters and never violate
                                       he very young and very old needn’t worry                                    them,” said Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist
                                       so much about market turbulence, we’re                                      for the Leuthold Group. “You want to operate in a
                                T often told. Over a long time, volatility   important thing                       range that has nothing to do with whatever is going
                                smooths out quite nicely for the young. Older                                      on today.”
                                retirees, hopefully, have tamped down enough risk   you can do is                    At the margin, however, Paulsen thinks there
                                in their portfolios that a stock shock shouldn’t                                   are opportunities  to tweak  portfolios  to take a
            4435 E Village Rd   cause much of a blip.                         have long-term                       different  tack  that  ultimately  helps  investors  stay
          Long Beach, CA 90808     Where does that leave those in the middle,                                      the course. He believes the Federal Reserve’s recent
                                particularly the ones with five or fewer years    investment                       dovish signals on inflation pressures may extend
           562-882-1581         until retirement or those in the first few years?                                  the bull market in stocks in the coming year. And
  Welcome to the nail-biter years, when a few                                     if consumers re-ignite their own appetites for risk,
   volatile sessions can cause many would-be retirees   parameters                    the case is even stronger.
                                to rethink their timing.                                                             “Last year the expansion was headed for an end
                                   This column typically explores the retirement   and never                       because we were at full employment and the Fed
                                levers we can control: spending rates, asset                                       was tightening,” he said. Now, after the Fed has
                                allocation, investment costs and the like. Focusing   violate them.”               backed off, he’s leaning toward the bullish case for
                                on what we can control, experts say, helps distract                                stock performance remaining strong.
                                us  from  we  can’t  control,  which  is  the  haunting                              He believes there are still opportunities for
                                worry that a big market dip early in retirement will  vulnerable  to  economic  downturns.  Experienced  international stocks and U.S. financials, though
                                derail our best-laid plans.              sailors can keep a ship moving in a variety of wind  he’s less enthusiastic about former tech darlings like
                                   Does that mean we should never think about  conditions, but they can’t control nature.  Facebook and Amazon.
              6427 Busch Blvd.,    market forecasts and timing? Plenty of evidence   That’s where so-called tactical investing strategies   Whether  Paulsen’s  take  on  the  economy
             Columbus, OH 43229
               877.872.3080     suggests that is precisely the thing to do. Studies  come into play. Investors pick a mix of stocks and  convinces you to slightly tilt your nest egg toward
     have shown investors achieved better returns when  bonds appropriate for their age and risk tolerance,  more risk—and slight is the operative word after
                                they invested lump sums rather than dribbling in  but  tilt  a small portion  of  the portfolio to  reflect  such a long bull market—or it simply helps you
            Sudoku, Scrabble, Crossword
            and articles distributed by    the money over time to take advantage of lower  current economic or market trends. For example,  resist pulling out of stocks altogether, make sure
            Tribune News Services and   stock prices during downturns.   someone  with  a  recommended  asset  allocation  of  your core asset allocation is strong. If it is, even a
             Brandpoint where noted.
                                   Realistically,  though, most people  struggle to  60 percent stocks and 40 percent bonds might  strong wind won’t blow you too far off course.   n
             © Copyright 2019 by    ignore big economic and market events in the years  allow the stock portion to swell or shrink by 5 to
            Discover Publications, Inc.
              All rights reserved.  leading up to retirement. Likewise, people in their  10 percentage points if monetary policy and other   ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
                                first decade of post-work life perhaps feel even more  economic factors were pointing in one direction.  Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
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