Page 4 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge April 2019
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG

                                 Streamline the Home Search Process

                                        Dear Allison, After a  no matter how long it’s been  want and what features are   appeals to you and focus  home,  you  definitely  don’t
                                        lot of consideration,  since you  last purchased a  important to you. So make  on viewing homes in that  want to risk losing it to
                                Q I am finally ready  house. According to a report  a list to help you focus on  area. This will give you some  another buyer.
                                        to move to a new  compiled by the National  homes that meet your criteria.  direction and limit the scope
                                 home. Since I have lived in  Association of REALTORS®  This list will also give you a  of your search, which will   When you’re ready to
                                 my current home for several  (NAR) entitled “2018 Profile  sense of control during your  help facilitate the process.   begin searching for your
                                 years,  I  am  a  bit  anxious  of Home Buyers and Sellers,”  search.                             new home, feel free to
                                 about starting my search.  buyers viewed a median of                        Seek   the   expertise call me at 562-882-1581.
                                 After all, I haven’t looked for  10 homes before making a   Research homes for sale   of a real estate agent. I  I would be happy to answer
                                 a house—or even thought  purchase.  However,  it’s online  before  scheduling  have in-depth, up-to-date  any questions  or schedule  a
                                 about it—in quite a while.   important to stress that this  tours. Without a doubt,  knowledge of the local  time to meet to discuss your
                                 Plus,  when I  purchased  my  number varies greatly for each  the digital age has greatly  market, so I’m more than  particular needs.   n
                                 home, I was a first-time buyer,  buyer. Some buyers find a  enhanced the home search  happy to work with you to
                                 and sometimes I felt a little  home after looking at only  process, and websites, such  offer advice and guidance
                                 overwhelmed and frustrated  one, while others may tour  as Zillow, Trulia, and  during your search. And
                                 by the process. I am very  dozens. So keep in mind that,  are  invaluable  since I also have access to the
                                 excited about finding a new  there is no magic number. If  tools for buyers. These sites  MLS, I may even know the
                                 home that meets all of my  you start to feel frustrated,  provide specific information,  inside scoop about homes
                                 criteria and expectations, and  remind yourself that the home  including the square footage,  before they are listed for sale.
                                 I know that my dream home  search process is different for  the number of bedrooms and
                                 is waiting for me. But I want  everyone, and remember to  baths, and much more. So   Have  fun. Searching for
                                 to make sure that the process  stay  positive.  It  may  take  a  they are extremely useful and  a new home is an exciting
                                 is a little less stressful this  while, but when you find your  can help you find homes that  experience. So make sure
                                 time. What advice  can  you  new home, you will know that  match the features on your  that you don’t stress too
                                 offer to make my home search  it’s absolutely perfect for you.  list. Online research can also  much over the process.
                                 go more smoothly?                                save you a lot of time because  You’re  preparing  to  embark
                                                            The  following  advice  will  you can eliminate houses  on a new chapter in your life,
                                                    Kate.  help make the search for your  that aren’t a good fit, so you  so enjoy yourself.   Allison Van Wig
                                A     Dear  Kate:  Buying  new home less overwhelming:   won’t have to tour them.  Trust your instincts.    Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                                                                                                                    (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                       a home is a major
                                                                                                                                     you can call or email her at:
                                                                                     Narrow down your  When you find the perfect
                                       investment, so it’s
                                                            Make a detailed list.
                                 only natural to feel nervous  Most likely, you already  search.  Choose  a  particular  home, make  an offer.  Don’t   562-882-1581 or
                                 when beginning your search— know what type of home you  community  that  really wait. If you truly love the

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