Page 7 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge April 2019
P. 7
extra space ideas
For Your Flex Room
by Kathryn Weber is always a good idea, and to pump up the fun add own home library or a chore, turn your flex
flex rooms can help you a foosball table that will study with some rich room into a mini-gym for
W due to design might not otherwise have. your house and keep them wall colors, plenty of getting in your workouts
create a specialty space you draw your teen’s friends to
right at home.
bookshelves, a comfy
configurations or A terrific use for growing occupied.
remodeling, many homes families is to turn your flex reading chair and a lamp. MULTI-USE SPACE
have an extra space that’s room into a play room. CREATIVE USAGE 4. If your flex room is Give your bonus room
not necessarily a bedroom Adding bookshelves and a There are so many ways to near your bedroom, even more flexibility by
but still added square teepee tent, you can create use a flex room. Here are some why not turn it into a turning it into a multi-use
footage. Realtors typically a reading nook to encourage creative ways to turn the bonus closet masterpiece? Just room. If your flex room
call these bonus spaces a young ones to take off on area into a useful space. remember, a small space is a study, consider adding
flex room or bonus room. wild adventures between the can make a big closet. a pull-out sofa, futon or
These tucked away spaces covers of a book. 1. Because cribs are small, a day bed that doubles
often turn into the default This is also a great play flex room makes a terrific 5. Hobbies and crafts are as seating and a bed for
storage room, becoming space for adults or teens. spot to convert to a nursery. another wonderful use overnight guests. Or, turn it
cluttered and unusable. If If there’s enough room, a for a flex room. Outfit into a bedroom for siblings
you have a flex room, try flex space makes a terrific 2. For budding writers or the space with a table who don’t want to share
turning it into a useable game room. Add a table for entrepreneurs, a flex and shelving (to store anymore. A trundle bed
space that adds value to playing cards or a billiards room can become the new supplies), and you’ll have comes in handy for extra
your home’s square footage, table. Or, turn it into a headquarters to a startup a spot to work on your sleeping space for sleepovers
and enjoyment for you. man-cave decorated with or a place to escape to for favorite hobbies. Wall and saves space too. n
your team’s colors and quiet contemplation. space can be used to
FUN FLEX ROOM memorabilia. Give a corner show off your creations. ©2018 Kathryn Weber
Getting the most out of of the room over to a bar 3. If you’ve always dreamed Distributed by Tribune
your home’s usable space for adult enjoyment, or of a library, create your 6. If heading to the gym is Content Agency, LLC.
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