Page 5 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge April 2019
P. 5

this month: freestanding bathtubs l

        THE TUB Stands Alone                                                                                                                           BATHROOM LIVING SPACE

        by Kathryn Weber                                                                            relax in the tub, and a double ended
                                                                                                    tub, where both sides are shaped
              your cares and relax? Look no  “A freestanding tub                                    similarly.
              ooking for a place to melt away
                                                                                                       But there’s still more choice in
        Lfurther than a freestanding                                                                shape. Tubs today can be oval, square
        tub. While once looked upon as           is a wonderful                                     or round. One freestanding tub that
        old-fashioned, the freestanding tub                                                         is especially nice is a Japanese-style
        has been updated and is no longer                                                           soaking tub. These tubs take up less
        relegated to the sidelines. With sleek   choice if you’re                                   square footage, but they’re deeper
        and contemporary lines, freestanding                                                        and enable the bather to soak up to
        bathtubs have made a resurgence and                                                         their shoulders. It’s a unique shape
        offer a chic and updated look to your     considering a                                     and  style, but  it’s perfect for  small
        bathroom.                                                                                   bathrooms  or  for  a  deeper  soaking
            NO MORE WALLFLOWER                 remodel or you
           After decades of being built-in to                                                          DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS
        the bathroom and integrated into the                                                           Getting your freestanding tub
        walls, tubs have cut their ties and are   want to add more                                  into place will also require you to
        holding their own. A freestanding                                                           consider the drain hole and where it
        tub is a wonderful choice if you’re                                                         is located in relationship to the tub
        considering a remodel or you want to   emphasis to the                                      placement. Plumbing should also be
        add more emphasis to the bathroom.                                                          taken  into account,  as  it will  either
        These tubs come in a variety of                                                             need to be freestanding or mounted
        shapes, sizes and materials, and they        bathroom.”                                     on a wall to fill the tub.
        take center stage, making a natural                                                            When determining where to place
        focal point in your bathroom.                                                               your freestanding tub, think about it
                                                                                                    as a focal point. It can be placed next
              MATERIAL INTEREST        one of these captures your heart, take  variety. These tubs helped define tub  to a window, such as a bay window,
           Tubs in the past have generally  into account whether the flooring can  shape and style since the beginning  or  where  there  is  a  natural  spot  in
        come in two materials: cast-iron or  support the weight of the tub. Tubs  of their appearance in the 1800s.  your bathroom where your eye falls as
        fiberglass. However, new freestanding  made of fiberglass, acrylic or metal  There is the most common, single  you enter. This is a great way to take
        tubs can run the gamut in materials.  will have a lighter weight.  end. This has a long oval at one end  advantage of and play up the shape
        They can still be found in cast-iron                          that allows the bather to lean against  of your tub, and turn your bathroom
        and  fiberglass,  but  they  can  also  be   SHAPE AND STYLE  the back of the tub comfortably. This  into a bathing destination.   n
        found in metals, like stainless steel,   There is a range of shapes to choose  is followed by a single slipper, with
        copper and brass, or wood, acrylic,  from in freestanding tubs. One of the  the lounging end sloped slightly, the   ©2019 Kathryn Weber
        resin  or  stone.  Tubs  made  of stone  most common and quintessential- double slipper, with two ends sloped   Distributed by Tribune Content
        and resin can be especially heavy, so if  looking tubs is the old claw-footed  allowing two bathers to comfortably   Agency, LLC.
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