Page 8 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 8

car culture and food

                                                                                                                               More than 7.9
                                    or many car owners,  their                                                               million young car
                                    vehicle is an extension of
                               Ftheir personality - and as                                                                  enthusiasts between
                               such they customize it to reflect their                                                     the ages of 16 and 24
                               individuality and uniqueness.
                                  That’s  particularly  true  for                                                         spend $7.2 billion each
                               young car enthusiasts ages 16 to 24,                                                           year customizing
                               who  spend  $7.2  billion  each year
                               customizing their vehicles, according                                                           their vehicles…
                               to a recent study by the Specialty
                               Equipment  Market  Association
                                  “More than 7.9 million young
                               people customize, modify or upgrade
                               their vehicles each year,” says SEMA
                               Director-Market Research Gavin
                               Knapp. “Their vehicles not only help
                               them get from A to B, they are also an
                               integral part of their social lives.”
                                  Car modifying is an exciting
                               creative outlet that lets young
                               people express who they are. Larger
                               projects become group projects, and
                               mods give them something to talk
                               about  with  friends. Here are some
                               modifications young customizers
                               perform on their cars:

                                     WHEELS AND TIRES:         YOUNG CAR ENTHUSIASTS SPEND $7.2 BILLION A YEAR
                                  Almost half upgrade these
                                elements. Original tires are upgraded  CUSTOMIZING VEHICLES
                                to all-season models, performance
                                slicks, off-roading tires or low-
                                profile versions. Swapping out
                                standard wheels for lighter options  is just as important as modifying the  anything else that enhances sound to  enthusiasts routinely perform on
                                made of aluminum, alloy or carbon  exteriors. Changing the seats alone  their liking. Other electronic upgrades  their  vehicles,  made  possible  by  the
                                fiber enhances both the look and  can result in a more comfortable ride.  may include new GPS systems,  many options available to them in the
                                performance of any given car.                                 dashboard cameras, alarm systems  $43 billion automotive aftermarket
                                                                        LIGHTING:             and/or Smartphone connections.  industry.
                                   EXTERIOR BODY MODS:           Lighting modifications are some                               Manufacturers introduce their
                                  Exterior  looks  matter  to  42  of the easier and more common  PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT:   latest products and services every
                                percent of young customizers. They  upgrades performed by young car   Young customizers enhance the  year  at  the  SEMA  Show  in  Las
                                spend money adding tint to their  aficionados.  Most exterior  lighting  performance of their cars by switching  Vegas, the leading trade-only show
                                windows, completely wrapping their  upgrades consist of replacing  to aftermarket high-performance oil,  for automotive industry businesses.
                                car body or installing  a body kit.  the taillight  and  headlight covers,  fuel additives and engine treatments.  Consumers can connect with
                                Customizers also often upgrade their  switching lightbulbs and/or adding  By replacing original equipment  those businesses at the official
                                bumpers, mirrors, fenders and grilles  lighting kits. Inside vehicles,  such as brake pads and rotors with  SEMA Show after-party known as
                                to achieve unique looks.       customizers  easily  personalize  looks  lighter  counterparts, they can also  SEMA Ignited, where one-of-a-
                                                               by changing cabin and dash lighting  lower vehicle weight. Modifications  kind custom vehicle builds with
                                      INTERIOR MODS:           to different hues.            like an updated suspension system,  the newest aftermarket products
                                  From  simple  changes  like                                exhaust kit, drivetrain and/or intake  (including wheels) parade out of the
                                upgraded floor mats to more intricate   MOBILE ELECTRONICS:  system can help a vehicle perform at a  convention center to the ultimate
                                modifications like installing a new   Mobile electronics: Upgrading a  different level.      car show. For more information,
                                dash kit or replacing upholstery,  car’s sound system remains a priority                     visit   n
                                16- to 24-year-old enthusiasts feel  for young enthusiasts, including   Those are just a few of the many
                                enhancing the interiors of their cars  new stereos, speakers, amplifiers or  types of vehicle modifications young   ©2019 Brandpoint.


                                                                            •  2 sticks plus 2 3/4 tablespoons unsalted   •  4 2/3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
                                                                              butter, chilled, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
                                                                                                                    •  1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
                                                                            •  1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
                                                                                                                    •  3/4 teaspoon salt
                                                                            •  1 1/3 cups light brown sugar
                                                                                                                    •  12 1/2 ounces Valrhona Jivara milk
                                                                            •  2 large eggs                           chocolate, coarsely chopped
                                                                            •  2 teaspoons vanilla extract          •  1 1/4 cups caramelized pecans (below)
                                                                                                    CARAMELIZED PECANS
                                                                                                         •  6 cups pecan pieces
                                                                                                       •  2 2/3 cups confectioners’ sugar
                                                                                                         •  1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt


                   DIRECTIONS                machine back on to speed 1 and sprinkle in  golden brown around the edges but still  sugar and salt. Cook over low heat, stirring
                                             the sifted ingredients, beating for 1 minute  slightly soft in the center, about 10 minutes.  continuously and keeping a close eye on the
          In the bowl of a stand mixer with the   and stopping as needed to make sure that   Remove the baking sheet from the oven,  nuts, until the sugar has melted completely,
        paddle attachment, combine the butter, sugar   all the ingredients are incorporated. Add the  and leave the cookies to cool on the sheet for  coating the nuts and turning a light caramel-
        and light brown sugar. Mix on speed 2 for   chocolate and pecans, and continue mixing  about 2 minutes before transferring to a wire  brown color.
        2 minutes. Then, raise the speed to 4 and   just until fully incorporated.  rack to cool completely. Continue baking   Immediately empty the nuts onto a baking
        continue mixing for 4 minutes longer, until   Position an oven rack to the middle of the  more batches; or refrigerate the dough for up  sheet or tray lined with parchment paper
        the mixture looks like a creamy.     oven and preheat the oven to 310 F. Line 1  to three days; or, if you like, freeze scoops of  and, with a metal spoon or spatula, quickly
          Reduce the speed back to 2 and add the   or more baking sheets with parchment paper.  dough, and package them for future baking.  spread them out in a single layer. Leave at
        eggs one at a time, beating for 30 seconds   (If using only 1 sheet, be sure to let it cool   Store the baked cookies in an airtight  room temperature until the nuts have cooled
        after each addition. Add the vanilla, continue   between batches.)        container at room temperature for up to  completely. Store in an airtight container at
        to beat briefly to incorporate, and then stop   With a 1-ounce  scoop, scoop the dough  one week.              cool room temperature. Makes about 6 dozen
        the machine.                         onto the baking sheet, allowing about 2 1/2                               cookies.   n
          In a separate mixing bowl, sift together   inches between each scoop. Bake the cookies   CARAMELIZED PECANS
                                                                                                                              © 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc.
        the flour, baking soda and salt. Turn the   until they have spread out evenly and are   In a medium pot, combine the pecans,   Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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