Page 6 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 6

selling and cleaning
                           IN THE HOME

                                CREATING A READY-TO-SELL HOME

                                by Kathryn Weber

                                      ow that spring is here,
                                      for-sale signs will pop
                                Nup with the daffodils.
                                An early start to home-selling
                                season helps homeowners
                                move faster and be ready once
                                it’s time to get their houses on
                                the market. If you’re thinking
                                about selling your home, it’s a
                                good idea to get it into a show
                                state before the for-sale sign is
                                out front.

                                   FIRST IMPRESSIONS
                                   Everyone has heard that
                                you only have one chance to
                                make a first impression, and
                                it’s  true.  Begin  with  a  deep
                                clean. Outdated light fixtures
                                are forgivable, but a dirt ring
                                where the carpet meets the
                                baseboard  isn’t. It makes
                                potential buyers wonder what
                                else was missed. A deep clean
                                includes steaming carpets,  paint dings and smudges.  impression that the house is  more visual space. This means  like curb appeal. It’s like a
                                dusting  walls,  cleaning   Really motivated to sell?  in good shape. Look at areas  having closet rods that aren’t  pretty box with a satin bow:
                                HVAC returns and vents, and  Have the house painted inside  of use, such as door handles.  packed full and bending in  visually inviting. Polish up
                                polishing light fixtures.  in one neutral color. Fresh  Ensure  that  all the  doors,  the middle.  your home’s look so that the
                                   Even refrigerators and  paint has a smell that registers  including garage doors, are   Clear off countertops in   sale isn’t lost at the street. Find
                                ovens should be cleaned  as clean and fresh to buyers,  oiled and are squeak-free.  the kitchen and bathroom,   small ways to update, like
                                and look appealing. For one  and helps them envision                      and make as much clear, open   fresh mulch in the front yard
                                homeowner, while everything  living there.        MORE THAN SUPERFICIAL space as you can. If decorating   beds or a pot of welcoming
                                looked neat, one peek inside                        Think home buyers won’t  isn’t your strong suit, hire   flowers by the door. Create
                                the oven killed any potential    REPAIRS          look in drawers and under  a home stager to help you
                                sale. It looked like a war   Give your home a head  the sink? Think again. Go  work with what you’ve got   a welcoming entrance at the
                                had been waged there, and  start by hiring an inspector  through cabinets and closets,  before the Realtor sends a   foyer, and before long you’ll
                                made a sight that couldn’t be  before the sale. This enables  and pare down. Throw  photographer to put up   be putting “sold” sign out
                                unseen. Avoid that mistake  you to find problems before  out excess, and keep all  photos that will either close   front.   n
                                by   cleaning  everything, a potential buyer does. Plus,  closets, cabinets and drawers  or sink the deal.
                                everywhere,  thoroughly. having a list of corrections  orderly. One rule of thumb                        ©2019 Kathryn Weber
                                Make windows and light  that were made in advance  is to remove 30 percent of    ADD STYLE         Distributed by Tribune Content
                                fixtures sparkle, and touch up  of the sale makes a positive  everything you have to create   Nothing can sell a house   Agency, LLC.

        10 FREQUENTLY


                   PLACES THAT

            NEED CLEANING

        by Kathryn Weber                     dusty and benefit from a good, hard spray of a
                                             hose to remove dust in crevices.
        A     s much as we try to keep up with basic   GARBAGE CANS
               dusting, vacuuming and cleaning,
                                                Yes, it’s where you put your refuse but
               we’re simply going to miss some
                                                                                                                       need cleaning because of frequent touching.
        areas. There are some places in your home  regular cleaning will help your house smell   Your headboard could be harboring dust  Unplug computer keyboard and tap lightly
        you may not have even thought to clean.  fresher and make a trip to deposit trash less  that makes your nose stuff or congested when  to dislodge crumbs and particles. Use
        Attention to these often-neglected areas can  odious. Wash indoor and outdoor cans with  you go to sleep at night. Dust and vacuum   compressed air to dislodge dust, then wipe
        make your home feel cleaner, and you might  soap and water. Let soak to remove caked-on  the entire headboard and the floor behind it   with a soft cloth moistened  with a mild
        even breathe easier afterwards.      grime.                               to remove excess dust.               vinegar cleaner. Take batteries out of remotes
                      LIGHTING                        CABINET INTERIORS                      ICE DISPENSER             and wipe thoroughly, using a cotton swab to
           From lighting in the kitchen that collects   You may have put down shelf liner years   Dripping water or ice can create mold or   go between buttons. Wipe down tablets with
        dirt  and  grease  that  turns  into  a  sticky  goo  ago, but have you cleaned the inside of your  other growth that you don’t want in your cold   a lightly moistened microfiber cloth.
        to living room lampshades that are furry  cabinets lately? Remove dishes and vacuum out  drink. Using a mild soap or vinegar cleaning
        with dust, all lighting needs cleaning. Wash  cabinets to remove crumbs, dust and debris.  solution, wipe out the ice shoot and clean out   APPLIANCE FILTERS
        glass shades in hot soapy water and let  Some non-adhesive vinyl shelf liner can go in  the ice container if it’s removable.  You may not know that your appliances
        dry. Vacuum lamp shades with a soft brush  the washer. Consider replacing shelf liner with                     have filters, but many newer ones do. Check
        attachment.                          a washable variety so when maple syrup spills,     GASKETS                the dishwasher, the clothes washer, ice makers,
                                             the liner can be tossed in the wash.    Refrigerators, stoves and freezers all have
               AIR VENTS AND RETURNS                                              them; and they all need to be cleaned. Use   refrigerators and hot water dispensers. All
           Registers on the ceiling and the floor need a   WINDOW AND DOOR TOPS   a mild vinegar cleaner to wipe down gaskets   may have filters that need cleaning to work
        good vacuum. Remove vents then vacuum and   We  rarely come  in  contact  with these  and remove mold or dust.  efficiently.   n
        wipe down thoroughly. Be sure to wipe the  areas, but they can become notoriously dusty.
        inside of the vents before reinstalling. Don’t  When dusting, make a quick run over door   ELECTRONICS               ©2019 Kathryn Weber Distributed by
        forget air returns. These are often notoriously  and window tops.            Tablets, keyboards and remotes really        Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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