Page 2 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 2

investing in education
                            YOUR MONEY

                                     IS YOUR ADVISER STEERING YOU

                                          INTO A FEE-HEAVY 529 PLAN?

                                by Janet Kidd Stewart                                                                        should get a thoughtful plan on how
                                                                                                                             risky an education-savings portfolio
                                       etirement savers with kids      “Make sure you’re                                     should be given the time horizon and
                                       should pay attention to a                                                             how best to make changes as the goal
                                R new crackdown on brokers         getting your money’s                                      gets close.
         LAKEWOOD               who sell college savings plans.                                                                 “529 plan brokers should have
                                   Regulators are inviting investment
         REAL ESTATE EDGE       advisers and firms to self-report their   worth by getting                                   discussions with investors about what
                                                                                                                             plan to use, who is the beneficiary
               Publisher        sales practices after regulatory reviews                                                     and how it will be used,” said Licht,
            Allison Van Wig     found a substantial number of cases                                                          a former FINRA official. “It’s only
            CA DRE #00985700    in which investors weren’t told about   a considered opinion                                 with a fulsome discussion of all these
                                varying fees associated with the plans.                                                      factors that an investor can make a
                                Firms have until the end of April                                                            sound decision.”
                                to declare participation, and detailed          on the best                                     And by the way,  you may  be
                                reports  on their  sales  practices  are                                                     paying for advice on these plans in
                                due in May to the Financial Industry                                                         other ways. Some advisers include
                                Regulatory Authority, or  FINRA.   withdrawal strategy.”                                     these plans in the overall assets
            4435 E Village Rd   Firms who enroll in the voluntary                                                            under management fees they charge,
          Long Beach, CA 90808
                                program are promised a more lenient                                                          which is separate from the share-class
           562-882-1581         restitution than if they are later found  a Chicago attorney who represents  And  with  the  issue FINRA is dealing with in the
  in violation.               investors in securities cases. “Firms  new ability to use 529 funds for K-12  initiative.
      This is particularly timely  have often recommended the pricier  tuition, more people will likely be   If you have 529 plans worth
                                because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act  option that isn’t in the best interest of  parking funds for a much shorter  $100,000 and work with a financial
                                of 2017 opened up 529 education  the plan holder.”            time, making hefty front-end loads all  adviser who charges 1 percent per
                                savings plans to allow distributions   Even if the share-class loads  the more egregious, he said.  year, that’s $1,000 annually you’re
                                for kindergarten through 12th grade  are properly disclosed, the person   “Investors may do everything with  paying to have that person watch over
                                tuition.                       recommending the plans may not  their advisers, but in some cases, they  the funds. That could be a bargain
                                   With the change, it becomes  be required to tell investors that a  may be better off (in direct-sold state  if you feel you need custom advice
                                even more important for savers to  no-load plan may be available in  plans) because lower fees are the key to  that fits with your other investments,
                                understand fees associated with these  their home state that offers tax breaks  maximizing returns,” Kantrowitz said. or it could be a waste of money if a
                                programs. Class A shares, for example,  the broker-sold plan doesn’t have,   If you do choose to work with an  low-cost, age-based option is available
                                typically involve an up-front sales  Stoltmann said.          adviser, make sure you’re getting your  in  your  state  plan.  The  key  is  to
              6425 Busch Blvd.,
             Columbus, OH 43229  charge, or load, while class C shares   And that’s where your retirement  money’s worth by getting a considered  consider  what  advice  you  want  and
               877.872.3080     often involve ongoing annual loads.  comes in. Every penny in fees on a  opinion on the best withdrawal  how long you’ll pay for it, and choose
                                So, for example, someone planning to  college  savings plans  is a penny less  strategy when you start taking out the  accordingly.
            Sudoku, Scrabble, Crossword   save for many years for a young child’s  that goes into the 401(k), IRA or  money, said Susan Licht, a financial   And that’s pretty much like
            and articles distributed by    eventual college expenses might be  other retirement savings vehicle.  services group partner with law firm  retirement advice, too.   n
            Tribune News Services and   better off with class A shares.  Always ask your adviser if he or  KattenMuchinRosenman LLP.
             Brandpoint where noted.                                                                                             ©2019 Tribune Content Agency,
             © Copyright 2019 by    “They are amazing plans and have  she is being paid a commission to   Just as you expect your adviser
            Discover Publications, Inc.  been expanded, but there have been  recommend a particular plan, said  to recommend the most tax-efficient   LLC Distributed by Tribune Content
              All rights reserved.                                                                                                              Agency, LLC
                                abuses,” said Andrew Stoltmann,  Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of  way to tap retirement accounts, you
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