Page 4 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG

                                 Don’t Underestimate the Benefits of Staging

                                        Dear Allison,  My  of Home Staging, 44 percent   items, including family  arrangements. Place your  first impression. So add eye-
                                        husband and I are  of buyer’s agents said that  photos  and  keepsakes,  and  sofas, loveseats, and chairs  catching touches that make
                                Q selling our home,  staging a home increases  completing  a  deep  cleaning.  in welcoming positions. You  your home look appealing
                                        and we want to make  the dollar value offered. So  A clean, tidy home is crucial  want potential buyers to view  and inviting. Mow the lawn,
                                 sure that we do everything  staging your home is highly  because it shows that you  the spaces as comfortable and  pressure wash, repaint fences,
                                 possible to attract potential  beneficial—helping you sell it  have meticulously cared for  relaxing, so they can easily  plant flowers, or update your
                                 buyers. So we have decided to  quicker and at a higher price  and maintained the property.  envision spending time there  patio furniture.
                                 stage our home to showcase its  than a non-staged home.  Once  you’ve  finished with their family and friends.
                                 wonderful features and really   One of the reasons why   these steps, you can begin                 If you have any questions
                                 make it stand out from the  staging  is so advantageous  is  incorporating creative staging   Repair or update finishes. about  staging  your  home,
                                 other houses on the market.  because it allows potential  ideas that will really grab the  Minor maintenance issues  feel free to call me. I would
                                 We don’t want to hire a  buyers to envision the  attention of potential buyers.  may not seem like a deal  be happy to answer any
                                 professional home stager and  space  as  their  own.  If  they           breaker,  but  potential  buyers  questions or schedule a
                                 plan to complete the work  feel comfortable and can   The following are some of  will definitely notice them. So,  time to meet to discuss your
                                 by ourselves. What DIY tips  visualize themselves living  the top tips I recommend to  if necessary, repaint rooms,  particular needs.  n
                                 can you offer to help us stage  in the home, they’re much  stage your home before you  apply new wallpaper, or
                                 our home and make a big  more likely to make an offer.  put it on the market:  replace outdated hardware.
                                 impact—with the overriding  Unlike an empty house, a                     Place brand new towels in the
                                 goals of selling quickly and  staged home offers a better   Maximize the lighting  master bath. Even little touches
                                 receiving  a major  return on  sense of the size of the living  throughout your entire  make a huge difference.
                                 our investment?         spaces and may even help  home. Well-lit spaces are
                                                  Amber. generate ideas about how to  warm and inviting, so make   Set the dining room table.
                                                         decorate  them.  Plus,  photos  sure that your home is bathed  A stylish table that is adorned
                                A     Dear Amber: Staging  of staged homes look much  in natural light and that there  with place settings and candles
                                                      is better than those of non- is also ample artificial lighting. creates an inviting atmosphere.
                                       definitely a wise  staged homes, so you’re more
                                 investment. According to  likely to receive requests from   Choose a neutral color   Stage all of the rooms. If
                                 the Real  Estate  Staging  potential buyers to tour your  scheme. While bright colors  you have an empty room, be
                                 Association (RESA), homes  home.                 add interest and can really  creative and stage it as a home
                                 that are staged sell 73 percent   Before getting started,  make  a  space  “pop,”  it’s  best  office, a reading nook, or a
                                 faster (on average) than non- it’s important to complete  to use neutral colors that  sitting area to show different   Allison Van Wig
                                 staged homes. Furthermore,  a few essential tasks, such  complement any décor. Plus,  ways to use the space.  (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                 based on data compiled in  as  decluttering  all  of the  remember to keep all spaces             Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                 a report by the National  rooms  and  eliminating  any  gender neutral.    Don’t   overlook   the   you can call or email her at:
                                 Association of REALTORS®  “junk” you’ve accumulated,                     exterior. Curb appeal is the   562-882-1581 or
                                 (NAR) entitled 2019 Profile  removing  any  personal  Create cozy furniture  best way to make a great

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