Page 1 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 1


                                                                   ASK ALEXA AND FIND OUT!

                                                 by Jane Whitten                    values, but many times this material is not
                                                                                    always up to date or completely accurate
                                                       lexa has become the go-to device  therefore we are always looking for better
                                                       for a lot of things these days.  resources.
                                                 AAccording to,        We live in an information society,
                                                 16% or 39 Million Americans now own a  with 24-hour news channels, Facebook,
                                                 smart speaking device. If you already have  Instagram, and Twitter to name just a few,
                                                 one, you know how handy they can be by  so much so that we have become inodiated
                                                 just saying …                      with information, so when something
                                                                                    simple and unique comes along we are
                                                 •  “Alexa, put bread on my grocery list” or …  not always eager to jump on board and
                                                 •  “Alexa, wake me up at 6:30 am” or …  start using it, or find it too intrusive or
                                                 •  “Alexa, will it rain tomorrow?” or …  complicated.
                                                 •  “Alexa, remind me to make an appointment   Tools are valuable only when you have
                                                   for a haircut.”                  control over them.  That is why all the   in your neighborhood and get an up-to-
                                                                                    Alexa skills are so exceptional, you enable   date Market Report  only when you ask
                                                   Have one of those “Smart” doorbells?  the skill and then put it to work. Turn   “Alexa, what’s my Flash Report?”
         ALLISON VAN WIG                         You can see who is at the front door  on the lights, lock the front door, set the   selling for a few years, or just want to know
                                                                                                                          Even if you are just curious and are not
                                                 without going to the door. By tapping into  thermostat.  Keep in mind  that  all the
                 CA DRE #00985700                Wikipedia, you can get information on any  above-mentioned skills are helpful as long   how much that house you drove by might
                                                 subject or anyone that we used to get from  as you have a smart bulb, a smart lock or
         562-882-1581                            a bookcase full of encyclopedias.  thermostat, etc.                    cost. Want to hear or see a list of featured
                                                                                                                        open houses on Friday? Ask Alexa!
                                                   As to access to information, when it
                                                                                      Another way these devices are useful
                                                                                                                          When it comes to technology Allison
          WWW.SUPERBROKER.COM                    comes  to  Real  Estate  there  are  several  is by simply enabling an Alexa skill, you   Van Wig of Van Wig & Associates strives
          ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM                websites that give you data on homes for  can do a variety of things such as, you can   to stay ahead of the curve with cutting edge
                                                 sale, open houses, and estimates of home  get a report for what homes are selling for   techniques and services. Now available is
                                                                                                                        her Alexa skill on which can
                                                                                                                        be found by searching for Allison Van Wig
                                                                                                                        in the search box.
                                                                                                                          Over  the  last  30  years,  Allison  has
                                                                                                                        implemented many innovative tools to
                                                                                                                        serve  buyers  and  sell  homes,  that  is  why
                                                                                                                        she is now offering an Alexa Skill that can
                                                                                                                        do many things to market homes. If you
                                                                                                                        would like to see more things that Allison’s
                                                                                                                        Alexa skill can do, just let Allison know by
                                                                                                                        reaching out to her; she will be happy to
                                                                                                                        tell you how it works.


                                                                                                                                         or 562.882.1581.


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                                                                   INSIDE THIS ISSUE - MAY 2019

         Discover Publications, 6425 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229  MONEY  READY TO SELL    RECIPE OF THE MONTH    BEATEN PATH           PROPERTIES        DP #22268

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