Page 7 - Lakewood Real Estate Edge May 2019
P. 7

function over form

          HOW TO

          SELECT THE

          RIGHT SOFA

          FOR YOU

        by Kathryn Weber               guests. If that’s what you need, then  against one arm and curl your legs  long time. This can help you select  DESIGN & DECOR
                                       give thought to how your sofa will  under, do that to see how the sofa  the right upholstery and pattern.
              or  a  long time, advice  on  seat them.                feels in your standard position. Lie  A white sofa that’s going to get a
              selecting  a  sofa  was  more   There are many sofas that are  on it, if that’s what normally do, so  lot of use might not be the optimal
        Fabout the sofa’s materials,  large and great for lounging, but  you can get the feel of the cushions  color for a family with pets. Instead,
        such  a kiln-dried  wood  frames.  their cushion depth, could have your  and  the  arms.  Maybe  you’d  prefer  select upholstery that is washable,
        Despite that advice, homeowners  guests sitting with their feet in the  two cushions instead of three.  won’t show as many stains, and will
        usually selected their seating based  air. Look for a sofa that will make   For sofas that double as  wear well.
        on style, but there’s a lot of choice  petite guests be able to sit more  impromptu  sleeping  space  for   Sofas that are more neutral, with
        out there for buying a sofa. Because  comfortably when at your home.  guests, check to see there’s room for  long wearing, washable fabric will
        it’s  not  an  inexpensive  piece  of   However, if your sofa is for your  sleeping comfortably and if the back  serve you much longer than one in
        furniture, it’s a good idea to weigh  home media room, you might want  cushions are removable. Some sofas  a trendy color or pattern. Quality
        all the factors in before falling in  it to be large enough to seat everyone  have the back cushions sown to the  is an important consideration when
        love with a particular look or style,  or  to  catch  a  nap  during  a  movie  sofa, making less sleeping area for  buying a sofa, because a well-made
        or buying solely on quality, and then  marathon. Check, too, that you can  overnight guests. Pitch should also  sofa won’t have broken seats or
        finding your sofa doesn’t meet your  get on and off the sofa comfortably.  be factored in. A sofa that leans too  cushions that slip, especially for a
        family’s needs.                                               far back or whose back is very short  sofa you’ll use more often, perhaps
                                                  LEAN IN             might not be as enjoyable for you  in a family or television room; so
               FUNCTION FIRST             Buying a sofa means testing out  or may require additional pillows to  choose wisely factoring in style,
           As tempting as it is to buy a pretty  several different types. Too often we  help you sit more comfortably.  function and quality.   n
        piece of upholstered furniture, give  buy a sofa by sitting primly on the
        some thought to how you’ll use  center cushion. Instead, sit on the       STYLE                         ©2019 Kathryn Weber
        your sofa. Sometimes the sofa is  sofa—or lie down on it—the way   When going for style, think    Distributed by Tribune Content
        for a living area and entertaining  you normally would. If you lean  about what you can live with for a         Agency, LLC.


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